Follow Up

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Gerson leaned back in a waiting chair. Glancing around at the painted walls. The walls having been painted with as bright and colorful colors that could be spared. The doctors and some painters trying to make the room look nice for any children that would be in the waiting room. Pigment to make bright colors is hard to come by. So they couldn't use too much. Sparing it for other things like clothes, paintings, and a few other things.

Humming to himself, thinking about what could be found, as he leaned back in the chair. The seat and back post being made of soft comfy fabric that's filled with cotton. Though he needed to be careful with the spikes on his shell. As he doesn't want to rip open the back post and spill cotton all over the floor.

The large old snapping turtle held Cherry close to his chest. Lightly bouncing the baby skeleton in his arms. The little skeleton was still peacefully sleeping. Wearing an adorable duck onesie that Sammy had given him. The little baby bones had fallen asleep on the way to the castle. Looking down at Cherry a small smile slowly formed on his face. Watching as his son peacefully slept.

Cherry curled up and rolled onto his side. Slowly opening his mouth and yawning before slowly closing his mouth. Softly cooing in his sleep. His hand went up to his mouth and started to suck on his thumb. Tail curling around Gerson's arm.

Gerson softly chuckled. Smiling softly at his son. Running his thumb over some of the little tail bones. He's worried about what the doctors might find during their checkup. With the small thing Rossmellow noticed during Cherry's first check up. It terrified him. Sending chills down his spine and makes dread creep into his bones. What else will they find? Will they find anything severe? Will they find something that might need surgery? These thoughts just swirl around in his mind. Creating almost a weight in his stomach.

He wanted to stand in the room and watch the doctors work. But Dr. Rossmellow explained over the phone that he won't be in the room. Primarily because they don't want him to worry over every little thing that they might find. Plus they're going to have an audio recorder going so Dr. Flutterherna can make notes while she's working. So they need as little background sounds as possible from being picked up on the recorder.

He understands there are rules doctors have to follow. Plus his heart might not be able to take it if he were to sit there in the room and listen to them working. Making notes and pointing out each thing they find. There's also a bunch of work he's actually behind on. From paperwork to judgements that he had been delaying for a while since he had to be home for Cherry and Undyne. Now that Undyne is back in school and Cherry is getting this check up. The check up is going to take a while and now that his friends have offered to watch Cherry on days he has to work in the castle, he has a lot of work to start catching up on. Though he's still worried.

Shaking his head to try and calm himself down. Looking up at the door when he heard it opening. Seeing Dr. Rossmellow walking into the waiting room. With Dr. Flutterherna sitting on his shoulder. The two of them smiled at Gerson. Rossmellow walking over to the snapping turtle monster.

Dr. Flutterherna is a very small monster. One of the few smallest monsters in the entire Underground. She's a little fairy monster, being no taller than six inches in height. Being a little on the chubby side. With a slightly chubby stomach, and thick thighs. Her weight doesn't really affect her in any negative way. She actually looks somewhat like a human. Though that's primarily because she shaves down most of the fur that grows on her body. Shaving her face, neck, body, and from the shoulders down to her elbows she has human-like dark almond skin. Especially since almost all fairy monsters have some type of human looking trait. From there the rest of her body looks like any other monster in the Underground. As she's not just a fairy. She's a red panda fairy.

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