Check Up

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Undyne smiled as she held her brother close to him. Humming a little as she walked. They were making their way to Asgore's castle. To see the royal doctor for a check-up and Cherry's first ever appointment. Plus she also needs to get a couple of update shots. At least from what Gerson said.

She also heard Gerson talking with the doctor over the phone. Suggesting that they don't  wear a white coat. He is worried because of who Cherry's fake family is.

Lately Undyne had started calling Cherry's ex-family his fake family. Since what they did to him all those months back means that they've earned the title of not being called a real family. Though that didn't stop them from being his blood family sadly. But because they didn't love him it means they aren't a real family.

She honestly can't understand why they would even abandon Cherry like that. He's a super cool baby brother. Fun to play with, and show off to. Sure, she can't train with him just yet. But once he's older! She'll get to train with him everyday! Teaching him the best fighting tactics the Underground will ever see! She'll be captain of the guard while her amazing brother is her lieutenant! Though if he wants to do something else she'll still support him!

Undyne nuzzled her little brother happily. The little baby skeleton quietly slept throughout the whole trip. She wondered what the doctor might find. Would they find anything bad? This worried her a little. Though they don't really know right now.

Looking up at the guard that was standing outside of the castle entrance. She saw it was a wolf monster that was standing there. Giggling a little at the monsters fluffy fur coat.

The guard wolf slowly blinked. Then looked at the small group. A grin forming as his tail wagged. "Hello Gerson. Undyne. Here for an appointment?" He tilted his head slightly. Moving his sword out of the way once he knew who they were.

Gerson hummed softly and slowly nodded. "That's correct. I do hope you have a smooth shift today."

The wolf happily nodded in agreement. Motioning for the group to go inside. Watching them walk inside and happily smiled at the little baby in her arms. He chuckled happily and looked ahead once again as the gate closed.

Undyne thought as he glanced up at the castle ceiling. Getting lost in thought as she walked. Staying next to Gerson's side. Humming a random tune that came to mind. Glancing down at her baby brother.

Smiling as she saw that he was walking up. "Heya little bro. Almost check up time." She chuckled a little.

Gerson softly chuckled at his children as they went down a couple pf halls before getting to the doors to the medical hall. He opened the door of his kids. Smiling softly as he walked in after them. Looking around for the doctor.

The hall has many seats, books, toys, crayons, and many other things for those that are waiting to be seen. That's when a monster walked out one of the doors. Smiling as they looked over at the group.

This monster is a large snow leopard. With a large fluffy coat of fur, and blue eyes. Standing at a tall 6 feet. Wearing a bright colorful doctors coat. The coat is purple with small butterflies and dragons stitched into the fabric.

"Hello Gerson. Undyne. And that must be your new child Cherry. Come in." They smiled happily. Motioning to the group to come into the room.

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