Chapter Two: Zacharius

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» Zacharius «

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» Zacharius «

It is my first day as a fourth year student and I'm starting it in a brand new school.

To tell the truth, I'm surprisingly excited for this. I've always been an adequately adventurous person; I'm willing to try new things to gain new experiences, store new memories, make some new friends, and so forth.

I'm an aspiring film-director-to-be. I've been fascinated by beautiful cinematography ever since I was a child and I want to capture that in my upcoming films if I ever get the chance to make one. I've certainly made several short films for the past years; but they weren't necessarily that good, some had low budget and some had no budget at all. I'm still very proud about them, even though I don't post most of them anywhere else, they're for me and my friends' eyes only, or at least for now.

For instance, there's this 10 minute short film titled "Imagination" that I wrote and directed for a contest held by my old school. It's about a girl who's lonely all the time and was looked at as a loser—nobody would talk to her and there were clues pointing out that she was a ghost throughout the film, but in the end it was revealed that she's not a ghost, she's just been living alone at an abandoned place and she just made up the people around her. Depressing, I know. The girl was played by my bestfriend Daniella, while two of my other friends: Matthew and Rupert—who's obviously in a relationship but they just won't admit it— assisted me in taking shots using my camera, and they also helped holding the microphone to get that "authentic" audio that adds to the ambience of the film.

It unexpectedly won the first prize; which got me and the other contestants confused because it didn't get a lot of reactions when it was being shown at the school's screening reel. One of the judges even mentioned, "We were not expecting the plot twist, but that's not why we gave this the first prize. This short film won because it captured the beauty of the place we live in; the beauty that we don't see every day, and the beauty that we take for granted."

It's definitely an ego-boost, not going to lie; even though it's not an Oscar win or any other big awards that exists out there, it motivated me to continue what I do, to share what I love, and to show people more of my art someday.

Part of me misses my friends back in this small town where I used to live. It's okay though, because we mostly video call and message even if there's no special occasion. We even gave each other terrible looking bracelets with our own names on it that we made; I made one for Daniella, she made one for Rupert, then Rupert made one for Matthew and Matthew made one for me. I still wear it all the time, it has sentimental value for me. It's obvious I miss them but I'm happy that my parents and I moved to the big city; I grew up in that small town and I feel like I already captured everything in there, so I need something fresh to begin with.

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