Chapter Three: Connor

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» Connor «

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» Connor «

As Clyde pulled the car over in the school's parking lot, I took three deep breaths.

This is it; he's dropping me off to the place that did nothing good for me, the place that has ruined some of my years and yes, I'm fully aware that it's about to ruin another. I did not want to go today or any other day in general, but I have no choice. I have to finish my studies and finally graduate high school, then I'd start fresh on college with no parental guidance. No judgment from anyone I know.

I'm not going to lie, my family is well off; but not extravagantly so; it's just that, money has never been an issue for my family and thus it's never been an issue for my brother and I. We get what we want, but not everything; only most of the material things, not the most important, and certainly not the things I want the most in life which money can't buy.

I'll admit that I'm so fortunate in that field because most people aren't. I won't waste the opportunity though and I'll probably apply to one of those prestigious universities and just hope that they accept my admission. Then I'd spend the majority of my days studying inside my single dormitory. I'm hoping my parents will still financially support me by then; all I have to do now is keep my cool until I graduate from this hellhole. I have to follow their orders until my situation's over.

Maybe I'd even find a secret boyfriend there, but that's me asking for too much now. Firstly, not everyone will be thrilled to be kept as a "secret," and secondly; the most obvious of the two, I'd find no one. Because you see, I'm not the type of person to just tap a stranger's shoulder, start conversation, and then the stranger will then fall in love. I'm sadly more of the person that someone starts a conversation with, and then they'd try to end the talk as soon as they could because holy shit. I'm bad at socializing. Especially when someone flirts with me; if it's a girl, my lack of interest and my obvious discomfort would basically flip them off, and that's got to be annoying for them. I know it. On the other hand, if it's a boy flirting with me—which is rare if I may add, I'm no good either. I would not know what to say and I'll most probably just turn into a tomato.

And that folks, is one of the reasons why I'm single as fuck.

"Drive safely, Clive." I say as I get off the car, I'm not even looking at him but I could tell that he was annoyed. He's always been annoyed when I call him "Clive," because an ex-girlfriend of his, Patricia, accidentally called him that.

For a few weeks, he just brushed it off because he thought that she just got confused and mixed up the words. Can't blame that he thought of that, it is actually similar to his own name; but turns out, she was actually cheating on him with a guy named Clive. I felt sad for him when he told me that happened one night and I definitely cried with him.

Yeah.... Scratch that. I'm kind of lying?

I definitely cried with him, not because I felt sad for him; but because I was laughing so hard that my stomach was in pain and tears started to form out of my eyes.

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