Chapter Eight: Zacharius

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» Zacharius « 

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» Zacharius « 

Dad was already in the car when I got into the parking lot—which was surprising to me since I was always the one who waited for him to arrive these past few days of this school week. "Whoa, Dad, you're early." I say as I got on the car.

"Well—when it's Friday, my schedule is different. I get to go home early." he says and I nodded, then he starts to drive.
"So, you made new friends? I think I saw you on the cafeteria with people. Those are friends right, not bullies?" he smiles.

I smiled back, "Yeah. I made some new friends. Two. Since the first day, actually."

"I knew you'd fit in immediately. They're good people?"

I nodded. "Yup, and I just got lucky; If Mrs. Williams didn't assign a student to tour me, then I wouldn't have any friends there." And it was the truth. I'm happy that the school really did that. Plus I was fortunate that Mrs. Williams chose Connor as my guide. 

"Oh that's right, I forgot that the school does that for new students. So, who are your new friends?" Dad looks at me expectantly for a second, then he places his gaze back on the road. 

"Connor and Axel. Connor actually takes one of your classes." 

"Oh, Connor Hernandez?"

"Yeah, you know him?" This was such a stupid question, I know. But most teachers doesn't really know their students, especially if you have different classes to teach. Too many to remember.

He nods, "I do. He's very interesting, isn't he?"

I was about to nod as well, but I didn't. It just felt weird to talk about him with my dad. I'm not sure why I feel that way. "What do you mean? Can you tell me more about him?" I couldn't help but to ask.

"Well, for one, he's a handsome young man." he says and my cheeks started to heat up, I looked through the window so he wouldn't notice. What am I even blushing for? Do I . . . I mean—
"Although he's not that very good at my subject, I will admit." he adds and I let out a laugh.

"He hates your subject, Dad." 

He gave out a faint laugh, "Well—when you despise something, then you wouldn't learn how to be better at it. That's because you're putting your whole focus on hating it, instead of finding a way to get through it."

"Thanks for the unnecessary lesson, Mr. Albert Verne." I smile at him.

"Albert? Watch your manners. Detention for you, Mr. Verne." he replies and we both laugh.

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