Chapter One: Connor

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» Connor «

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» Connor «

"I like you. I like you a lot."

He then leaned in; so close enough to my face that I could see every single detail of his perfect facial features; his brown eyes, his lips, and those breathtaking freckles that is scattered all around his cheeks and his nose. I knew that if he slightly leaned in more, our lips will connect in no time.

"I like you too." I say as I nibble on my bottom lip. I could actually see it in his eyes; I could see how he wanted every piece of me, and I wanted every piece of him.

"Do you want me to?" he asks, looking at my lips and making my cheeks turn red. "I do." I reply, he then placed his soft palms on the side on my neck, his thumbs caressing my jaw.

Holy shit.

This is happening.

He smiled as he took my consent, then our li—

My dreams were cut short when I heard my stupid alarm that I got for Christmas buzzing like crazy, it definitely almost made my ears bleed. I let out a sigh. The thought of that unrealistically romantic dream made me a little sad though; because I know that it won't ever happen to me. I'll never find "the one", "the love of my life", "my soul mate" or whatever it's actually called. I guess I'll leave that for the blessed people to figure out.

It's my own fault why I had that dream. It's my fault why I look miserable while staring at the ceiling instead of getting up. Who would be stupid enough to watch a movie featuring two people falling in love and one of the actor happens to be played by their all-time celebrity crush before going to bed? Yup, you guessed it. Me.

I reach my hands out to my side table to turn my alarm off so I could breathe and give my brain a break; because every time I hear that buzzing noise, I lose multiple brain cells. And you know what? the sound of this alarm clock is extra annoying today, most probably because it's Monday. It's really really hard getting up very early in the morning because I'm not a morning person and won't ever be; and FYI, getting up is not the only thing that is hard at the moment.

I'm disgusting.

Mondays has been my least favorite day of the week for as long as I can remember and well, it just sucks because of so many reasons that I can't even count how many of them there are. Let's just say that the list starts with school. I swear to God. Nothing bugs me more than going to school on a Monday morning. Also, they should just make the classes start at noon so that students like myself that always struggle getting up very early in the morning doesn't have to deal with unexplainable mind-torture everyday. It's literally five A.M. What the hell.

Speaking of hell, today just happens to be the first day of my fourth year of high school and that thought only made my motivations of getting up and getting ready disappear even more. My school is very religious. It's a Catholic school, and it's honestly not the same as the other Catholic schools that I was aware of and hopeful to go to because the rules are so different and so strict. It's almost like we're following the rules of Protestantism when it was first established. Everyone who goes there besides my childhood bestfriend Axel and I, has a very harsh and strong beliefs that we just can't manage to agree with, especially if one of those beliefs is being thrown in my face every single time I walk the corridors.

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