Chapter Four: Zacharius

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» Zacharius «

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» Zacharius «

I learned two new things already as soon as this random boy and I walked out of Mrs. Williams' office. For one, there are only five females that works at this school; along with fun fact number two, which is that they're also the nicest people that he's ever encountered during his time studying here (although he excluded Mrs. Williams' because that was apparently the first time he's talked to her so he doesn't know that much about her) 

"Oh!" he says while we're walking down the stairs, as if he's excited to tell me something. "You have to prepare for Philosophy and Mathematics class if you ever get them in your schedule. Sister Garcia loves to annoy me by giving surprise quizzes once in a while with absolutely no preparation at all. Same goes with Mr. Thomas; you guys even have the same last name if I remember it correctly."

"He's my dad, actually." he smiles, probably waiting for me to say that I'm kidding.

There was a brief moment of silence until his smile quickly faded away after he realizes that I'm not joking, his cheeks turned red; he probably feels so awkward right now and I feel bad. He's being forced by the Principal to tour me, a stranger, around the school while I'm for sure he has better things to do. I ruined this, didn't I? I should have waited until we talked more and feel comfortable around each other before revealing that one of the teachers that annoys him is my father.

"Oh shit, I'm sor—"

"You're good, no offense taken. As a matter of fact, I hate Mathematics too." I laugh, trying to lessen the awkwardness. He then puts a smile on as well; though I could only see half of his face since we're walking side by side together now.

I noticed something strange though by just observing him. I feel like he's purposely avoiding eye contact with me; unlike earlier inside the office when he looked at me like he just saw a ghost or something. He also does this thing where he keeps clenching his fists around the shoulder straps of his backpack when he says something. It's like he's nervous to be around me and is afraid to say the wrong thing. 

"Look," we stop walking as he points his index finger towards the random bell hanging above one of the high arch doorway, "They named that 'the lucky bell' because allegedly—when you ring that bell, you will pass all your exams. A random first year student started that rumor a long time ago and when I transferred here, that's one of the first things the guy who toured me mentioned."

"Does it really work?" my eyes widened because if it really works, that would be so cool.

"I don't know... I have never tested it."

"Why?" I ask because why didn't he? If someone had told me that, I'd ring it as many times as I can whenever the examination days are near.

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