Chapter Nine: Connor

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» Connor «

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» Connor «

I ran away like I was trying to win a fucking marathon.

If I hadn't called an Uber after running for like ten minutes, then I would totally be dead right now.

By the time I arrived at my house, I was thankful that no one is home when I opened the door. I would've been flooded with a lot of questions. I'm guessing Clyde left again and is somewhere with his "girlfriend" that he did not mention to me whatsoever, and my parents were probably somewhere I do not care to even guess about. 

Running again, I went up to my room and took a shower because I was disgustingly soaked in my own sweat. My nose is runny right now because it was so cold inside the car earlier even though I was wearing a sweatshirt, and the other reason is that I've been crying a lot. I've cried myself to sleep last night, then I'm crying right now. A lot of crying. I'm such a loser.

When I finally changed into comfortable clothes, I laid down on my bed and exhaled deeply. Why did I even run away? Okay. I didn't run not because he didn't kiss me back. I ran because he did, in fact, kiss me back. Which is surprising because why did he kiss me back?! And why am I blaming him when I was the one who kissed him in the first place? I'm so confused right now. 

I still can't believe it. My first kiss happened just a while ago, and it was with someone I wanted to share my first kiss with, but I'm crying about it? I am a coward and a total liar. I don't know what to do.

And so I called Axel to talk to him about it; it had only been three seconds and I could already hear him on the other end of the phone. "Hey. how's it going? How'd the date go? Did you guys bring it on or what?"

I just sighed.

"What did that jerk do to you? I swear I'll beat him up tomorrow." Axel says, he somehow noticed that I was in tears as a result of my foolishness.

"I kissed him." I blurt out.

"And?" he asks expectantly, his voice tense, "Did he punch you or something for that?"

I let out a light chuckle, "What? No—he kissed me back."

"Then why the fuck were you crying? Was it really that good? Christ, you're such a virgin." If it's even possible to hear if someone's rolling their eyes, then I'm guessing Axel is rolling his right now.

"I'm not sure why I'm crying!" my voice breaks mid sentence, "But it's not that. I mean—um, it was fucking fantastic. Like, more amazing than I ever expected it would be, but like, fuck."

"I see. I still don't understand why you're acting like this though."

"Ugh. I don't know why I freaked out. If anything, he should be the one that's freaking out right now, not me. I kissed him and that probably caught him by surprise. I feel so bad." I cry out. 

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