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» e p i g r a p h «

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» e p i g r a p h «

"I believe in love at first sight. Fate, the universe, all of it. But not how you're thinking. I don't mean it in the our souls were split and you're my other half forever and ever sort of way. I just think you're meant to meet some people. I think the universe nudges them into your path."

— Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera, "What If It's Us"

» a u t h o r ' s  n o t e «

Hey there. This is a book I started writing around 2019 and only managed to publish five chapters since I didn't have a lot of motivation back then. This year; 2021, almost 2022, I decided to reconnect with the characters I came up with and develop them and the story even more. I hope new readers get to enjoy my COMPLETELY revised work and if you're an old reader (though it's impossible if you see this because I haven't updated in a long time), thank you for sticking and I hope you like this new fresh start. PS. I'm still working on my English writing as it is not my first language, so please don't be too rude. However, I will still gladly accept your nice corrections and will appreciate it very much if you do so!

» i n s p i r a t i o n s «

Gay books, series and movies with sad fucking endings. :/

» a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s«

To the people hiding who they are, I know how you feel; and someday, we'll be able to get out of this situation and finally breathe. Big hugs to you. 

To the people out and free, don't let the hatred get to you. You are loved as much as others and I am so proud of who you really are.

To the people doubting their abilities, don't be too hard on yourself. You are worthy of everything good you've ever accomplished, or will accomplish. 

Lastly, to my past 2019 self, I'm doing better now and I will give the characters you admired an awesome revision. I hope when you read this in a weird alternate universe, you appreciate it.

 07.17.19  before---- now 12/09/21

» c o p y r i g h t «

Any form of copying, manipulating, and/or stealing is punishable by law.
All characters are made by the author, all similarities to real persons are coincidental.

don't steal my shit please. thanks. <3

Shawn Bixenman 2022 ©

» w a r n i n g s «

Some of the chapters in this story contains bad language, bullying, sexual jokes, and homophobia.

Some of the chapters in this story contains bad language, bullying, sexual jokes, and homophobia

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