Chapter Six: Zacharius

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» Zacharius «

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» Zacharius «

It's Friday.

Which means that it's the last day of the week for my classes. I sigh—but not out of relief, as I walk toward the cafeteria. It's our lunchbreak, and after this, there will be two more subjects left until the dismissal. I know I should be glad that I will be getting rest from all the countless activities that the teachers asked us to do, but nope. And I have no idea why.

Maybe it's because I'm enjoying my time in this new school.

Yeah. I'm definitely enjoying my time with my new friends: Connor and Axel—well, never mind—I don't even know if I should call Axel a friend of mine; I mean, sure, Connor is definitely a new friend, but I feel like Axel does not consider me as his. I have yet to get on his good side. Every time I would go and join their table to eat in the cafeteria; Axel would give me this weird look, especially when I'm talking to Connor. I think he feels as if I would take Connor away from him, I don't know what their history was; because they never told me how they became friends, but they're very close and I have no intention of breaking their friendship apart. I have to let him know that eventually.

I spot the table we always sit in, Axel is the only one sitting there and he is looking down and scrolling at his phone like it's the only thing that exists. Perfect timing though.

Connor is not there yet. If I remember correctly, he told me that his last subject before the lunch break is my Dad's. I'm so glad that I didn't get my dad's subject, it would be awkward for me—because knowing him, he'd probably mention and brag about how I'm his son for no absolute reason at all. Just to annoy me, I guess?

I wonder what kind of mathematics activity Connor is struggling with right now, he's probably annoyed and trying hard not to bite the end of his pencil (which was the thing I noticed he did whenever he's confused during history class, and also known as, the only class we have together.)

I can't help but smile at that thought.

I shake my head and walk towards the table and I pull out a chair to sit in front of Axel. He looks up at me for a second and then brought back his attention into his phone.

This is my chance to know why it feels like he's mad at me, I wait a few minutes until I finally say, "Hey, I've been wanting to ask you th—"

"What's your deal with Connor?" he interrupts.

My eyebrows raise with confusion, "What?"

"Don't play dumb." he puts his phone back into his pocket, "I said what is it you want from Connor? Is this some sort of plan you had with Benjamin? Because I saw you guys talking a few days ago."

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