Start Again

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Simon Snow is being weird. Let me correct that statement. Simon snow is being weirder than usual. First he doesn't wake up before me, which never happens. (He always wants to reach the dinning room earlier than everyone for whatsoever reason. He probably thinks the scones will get cursed if he wasn't the one to eat them first). He probably stayed up late to catch me "plotting" while I was peacefully draining rats in the Catacombs. 

Snow bolts upright in his bed and stares at his surroundings like he's surprised he woke up here. He was breathing quite heavily and his eyes were too wide. Probably a nightmare or something. I tried not to show the worry I was feeling. I continued to fix my tie in the mirror, watching him from the corner of my eye. He seemed in a rush to get out of the nest of blankets around him, and ended up falling on his face. I wanted to go to him and pick him up, and ask him if it was okay. Instead i said,

"What happened Snow? Did you already reach the level of stupidity where you forget how to stand up and walk?"

Snow grunts, but doesn't fire back. That's unusual too. I can feel his heated gaze at the back of my neck, But it didn't seem angry, as I thought it would. It seemed...curious? searching? calculating? Snow doesn't do any of those things. He probably thinks I'm plotting again. He probably saw a nightmare where I was plotting his death. I try not to think about that. (Me in his dreams). I feel it then. His magic. Its leaking out of him in every direction. He's agitated. I sneak a glance at him. Snow's blue eyes have gone wide again. He's sitting up on the floor now, looking at his hands as the magic seeps out of them too. His face is full of horror and something close to panic. I want to hug him and comfort him, but I can't. I think he's about to go off.

Then he looks at me, and says, "I...I ha-have...-"

"Use you words, Snow" I say.

"I have magic" He almost whispers, but I catch it. (Vampire hearing)

My response is involuntary. "Crowley, Snow. Well done, it must make taken everything to figure it out. Try not to blow up our room with this new discovery you made". I sneer at him, Then pick up my bag and leave the room. I'm actually annoyed now, but still i'm worried too. I hope is calms down from whatever post-nightmare shock he's in.

When he finally shows up to breakfast, instead of eating, he goes into a frantic conversation with Bunce. 

When Bunce finally convinces him to eat first, (Good. He should eat more. He finally has started to gain weight after he came back to Watford looking like a starved puppy), He eats the scones like he hasn't eaten them in 10 years. I feel his gaze on me again. Its intense. Its like he's trying to convince me of something. (Trying to convince me to confess I'm a vampire. Like I'll do that). 

The whole day he's angry glares, growls and grunts somehow seemed halfhearted. He's magic seemed on edge and he was still keeping his intense gaze on me. And when he was not doing all of that, he was in that horrified-near-panic-state like he was this morning. He even avoided Wellbelove the whole day. I seriously had no clue what was going on with him. 


When I was in the library, I overheard Snow's and Bunce's whispered argument. (Accidentally. Not that I was trying to eavesdrop to know what was going on with him today. That's his job)

"...Penny please. I really need your help in this!"

"For the last time, Simon! Baz. Is. Not. Plotting."

"I know he isn't! That's not why I want your help!"

"Then is this something the Mage wants from you?"

"What? No!"

"Then why on earth do you want to plan a fight to the death with Baz!? Simon! You can't just run him with a sword just because he's a vampire. You don't even have any proof!"

"Penny that's not-"

The librarian comes over and tells them to be quite. I still have a book in front of me, but I lost track of what I was reading. 

Their conversation is still reeling inside my head. 

Simon has finally decided to finish me off. 

I knew this day would come. But so soon? Its only our seventh year. I sudden felt a little scared of a second. I had  thought about this day, planned it all. I had spent hours fantasizing about how I'll bet snow stab me, and die with a love confession on my lips. Or maybe even steal a kiss. (I'm disturbed, ask anyone). But despite accepting the fact, I still feel the tickle in my stomach. I push it down. This is no time for second guesses.



Penny's spell actually worked. 

I'm back at Watford!

 Everything is the same as it used to be!

 My wings and tail are gone! 


I can't believe it. 

But there's no time to celebrate. That's how I got through the day without going off. I had came on a mission. Penny had called it 'going into an alternate universe' but it looks more like time travel. Everything is the same as it used to be. But it isn't going to be. She didn't have time to explain or form much of a plan (very unlike penny) when she was sending me here. We were desperate.  But now that I'm here, I have no idea how to proceed. But I need to figure this out, probably on my own, since the Young Penny has a hard time believing me. I don't blame her, I'm the one trying to say everything but trying not to give away too much. But I'll need her help at some point if I plan to save Baz.


Young Baz. I just can't take my eyes of him. He looks so alive and full of life (even though he's undead). I didn't respond to any of his insults the whole day because I was too busy memorizing his voice and trying not to give away my happiness of seeing him. We're supposed to be enemies. I'm suppose to hate him. I should have fired back a few insults, or he will start suspecting that I seem a bit off. Doing that is harder because I know Young Baz doesn't hate Young me. Baz (The older one) had told me he was in love with me since fifth year, or probably since we had met. Hearing that seemed so amazing at that time. But now, this is hard. I don't know how Baz did it all those years. (Who am I kidding? Baz can do anything! He's the most capable person I've met). Anyways, thought about telling Baz (younger one) everything. But I guess he will probably throw me out of our window, anathema be damned. Maybe I should try. But that's not what Older Penny told me to do. 

I close my eyes, and I relive that again. How all this drama started...

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