Dear Reader

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I didn't realize I had fallen asleep till i woke up with a loud bang. 

This is it, I think. The war. The end. 

It takes me a second to realize its just someone at the door. I open up and almost double take. 

Its my father. 

"Baz" He says, command clear in his voice. "The war, it has started. We are here to fight. Go do your part, and kill the Mage's heir."



I drop my sword, defeated. The metal bars aren't even scratched. My magic isn't working here, just as the Mage said. 

How did I fell into his traps again. How didn't I let myself get manipulated by him. Last thing i remember is him coming to pick me up in my room, leading me down the stairs, and telling me its starting. The war. and how he isn't worried because he has me, and only he has cornered his enemies, I will go off, and we will win the war. I shouldn't have argued, but I'm not the seventeen year old boy who was used as a weapon by him. He got angry at me. 

The next thing i remember is walking up in this cell. No amount of magic can get me out of here. I'm feeling claustrophobic. It takes me a moment to realize that their is no window for air in here, their was stone walls of 5 sides and metal bars that shows a long, airless corridor.

Is this a part of the catacombs?

can their a chance Baz will come here to hunt and find me before I die in a way I'm not suppose to?

There is no chance. 

I start panicking about everything, but have to force myself to calm it down. I can't waste the air I have left for panic attacks. I need to save Baz. I need Baz to come and save me. I can't die like this. I wont die like this.

"Baz" I say quietly, felling lightheaded by the lack of oxygen. 

There is no answer.



Have you ever been in a war? if someone says its beautiful, take them to a doctor. Its the opposite of that. A magical war will have beasts and dragons and ghostly fires. It has spells flying left and right, mages fallen on the ground, unmoving. 

I don't think Snow wanted this, when he asked for a war. The only person he wanted to fight, was me. Maybe if i had just agreed-

"NO. What? So the only way to save me in your world , is for me to kill you in mine?"

"...yes" At least he had the decency to look embarrassed. 

"I did not approve of this plan."

"its the only way!"

"why aren't you phased by this-"

"Its not a big deal. You knew were going to kill me at the end anyway- "

"Crowley, Why do you have a death wish?"

"Why aren't you keeping your word. You said you will help!"

"I said I will help. I didn't say I will kill you."

"So the millions of insults and threats over the seven years we known each other, meant nothing?? Not even for a second??"

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