!¡ You know the way to me

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The things he had offered for hesseung was just beyond his belief.

Now that they were in mr park's office,
Heeseung started feeling uncoxious, he still doesn't have a clue about mr Park's offer.
Mr Park kept interrogating him for almost an hour now, about everything related to his personsl life his liking and disliking his studies his plans for the future.
While making sure to take notes too.

Heeseung felt as if he was at a job interview which was stressing him more.
'I guess that's how it feels to sit face to face with a ceo'.

The more he gave answeres the more the later digged into details with his no ending questions and still wasn't tired from doing it.

Heeseung was getting bord more and more by each seconde passed.

But they were disturbed in the middle by a sudden noise coming from outside, It seemed someone was forcing it to get inside and the guards were struggling to stop him!.
'Fiuu, finaly they can take a break'.

Mr park face palmed himself
already hating the vision he had about the scenario that was going to happen in two seconds
Heeseung wanted to question him

"Excuse me I .." When Mr park was about to explain the matter

Then the door was slammed to the wall open suddenly
revealing an angry looking boy.
Heeseungs eyes lit up when he saw him.
Now that's something fun.

"Let go!"the younger ordered the guards to lift their hands from him.

They obeied

Mr park's expression changed he become angry and scaring at his son's sight.
He wasn't going to welcome his son with open arms for a reason.
" Get out and close the door!" He rised his voice sounding all bossy
"And next time you knock like a human before getting in!".

Jay stood there looking hurt cause his father keep being sharp tongued with him not showing the slit careness in his voice.

He peeked toward heeseung finaly noticing him, he locked eyes with him for a moment then lowered them and quickly regreted his behavior.

"Sorry "he apologized right away, he thought his dad was alone and still didn't want to see him which explained his anger, then ended just embarrassing himself.

Jay quickly made a half turn to get outside.

"Stop there!... greet your hyung here before you go " his dad ordered him.

Jay glanced at the older again "Hi hyung" he felt forced to behave nice infront of him even tho he was at the terms of crying.
Heeseung chukled amused he didn't imagine the younger looking this cute while acting docile.
He prefere this Jay than the hot headed one from last night.
Hee noded greeting him too, eyes never leaving him, he watched the younger carefully each move each expression studying him, what was this spoiled baby upset about?.

And what is this father son relationship, can't Jay see his dad whenever he wants ? something feels wrong.

Mr park who was watching their interaction "Aghm " he cleared his throat when his son left them pulling hee's attention toward him again.
"Huh !.sorry"

."No I should be the one to apologize about my son he still need some discpline at his age" he showed a tired face.
"Its ok,..So you were saying ?" heeseung wanted them to get back to the main subject.

Mr park played with the pen he was holding between his fingers while staring at Heeseung lightened face.

"Do You by any coincidence... like my son ?"Mr park rose un eyebrow waiting for a honest answer.

Off My Control ×_× [ Heejay ] ×_× Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now