!¡ I will cool your burns I am your snowman

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"I withdrew you from college, you are stying home from today" Heeseung informed the younger before he go to work.
He did it but with pure intention knowing already Jay doesn't dare withdraw by himself he did him a favor so he can be free to chose what he really wants to study by himself.

Jay was still looking upset because of earlier he refused to make eye contact with the older, and just want to erase his face from his memory forever!
One thing he hate the most is another man controlling his life as he please.

"Are you listening to me?"
"Yes!" Jay rolled his eyes, he didn't complain at all he didn't even like the college his dad forced him into. And heeseung was very conscience about it from the start.
Heeseung sighed
"I am leaving then".
"You can do all you want
I still don't love you heeseung! "Again putting salt into his open wound, and calling him by his name without. honorific

Heeseung pushed the younger from his way which made him fall on the bed.

"It doesn't change anything for me"
They maintained a challenging look fore a moment
Untill the older leaned down to youngers face
"You know you are saying this but later you will come beg for me to love you"
"Oh yeah! how are so sure about that?"

"Enough! I am leaving" he doesn't have the energy to bicker with him again.

"And where are you going?" the younger was interrogating him for the first time
Which made him look as he cared and was concerned by the olders plan for the day.
Which made the older secretly smile

"To work obviously, I am not going to baby set you too am I?".

Jay threw his boddy again on the bed "Like I said before you are boring Lee hesseung!" he shouted behind his back

Jay stayed the whole day home sleeping, he is out of mood he doesn't want anything anymore he is in deep depression he feel unloved and neglected like an abandoned puppy.
His phone ringed once.
It was the older, not hard to guess it from the first thought and without looking at the screen.
He has to pick his calls or else he will lecture him for hours when he come back home.

"Yes, What?"
"What are you doing Jay?" Jay heared the taping fingers on the keyboard along with his voice through the phone, he is busy but still call him to hear his voice .
"What does it have to do with you?"
"Send me a photo of you right now"
"Why? do you miss me already?"Jay teased
"I want to make sure you are home and not outside planing something dump "
Jay growled "You are the dump one, if you are too eager to see my face just take your ass and come see me yourself!!"
Then he hang up on the olders face.

He punched heeseungs pillow next to his head " I hate you, you and your idea to do the hiv test you forced me to, you are more disgusting you cold boring robot !!!.."
"Aaasgh, it's all because of you that I am lonely and hurt !" .
He let an exhausted sigh and hugged the pillow between his arms and legs squishing it " Just choke and die !!"
He sniffed a familiar scent with his nose only then he realized what he was doing he immediately let go of the pillow, and blushed "Shit he can't know I hugged his pillow ".
He quickly turned it back to her original place and patted it to fit properly next to his.
Then went to sleep again on his side

His phone was making a buzz noises again.

Unknown number kept calling him but Jay realy isn't excited to find out who it is, untill he recieved a voice mail.
He quickly put his earphons on his ears to listen to the message.
'Hello Jay'
No way this is...

'Babe it's your mom' just those words were enough for Jay to make burst into tears "mom!"
'You are not answering I could say you are mad at me'
It's ok I hope you are doing fine...'
" No I am not!"
'I-i heared from your dad you found someone who loves you'
He told me he is a nice man, and workaholic just like your dad haha, do take care of him and Don't upset him ok?'

Off My Control ×_× [ Heejay ] ×_× Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now