Chapter 2: Life

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After about 2 months after the outbreak, you resumed going to school, but this time as a sophomore. Because of all the dangers outside, you were allowed to carry weapons to and from school to protect yourself. Most of your teachers and friends made it to school and stayed alive. Overall, there were about 100 students in school. The rest were assumed dead or trapped far away. School was pretty normal except you were allowed weapons. When you first went back people nearly trampled you because they wanted to see that you were alright. To gain admission into school you had to show your ID and state your name. It was all for security reasons. When you arrived, Mrs. Lennon, the principle, asked for your name, grade and ID.

"My name is (Y/f/n). I am a sophomore." you said as you handed her your ID.

"(Y/n)? It's good to see you again. All of the students here were worried".

"Thanks! I guess I should go to my classes then" you stated as you started to walk away. But before you get to reach for the door handle, someone grabs your wrist and stops you.

"Yes Mrs. Lennon?" You inquired

"(Y/n)? Where's your mother?"

You stared at her as you felt the tears well up in your eyes.

"'s dead. She caught a regular old cold but because of the epidemic, we had to put her out of misery. My neighbor did it for me since I could never do that to my own mother. We buried her." You said while tears were streaming down your face.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Just take it easy ok? If you start feeling bad, just go to the restroom or leave school. Do whatever makes you comfortable."

"Thanks Mrs. Lennon."

"No problem (Y/n)."

That was your everyday routine. Go to school, talks to Mrs. Lennon, and classes. This lasted for pretty much the whole year until the next summer. This summer would be the summer everything in your life changed. This summer would be when you met the Winchesters.

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