Chapter 4: The first night (1)

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*time skip of about 40 min. brought to you by me!!!*

You finally arrived home. After about an hour of unloading your supplies, you and the boys finally were able to sit down and rest. You talked with the boys and asked each other questions to get to know each other better, since you were going to be living together. After a while, you got up and went to make everyone dinner. You made Sam a nice big salad and Dean a burger. As for yourself, you made (y/f/f). You gave everyone their food and ate in silence. For the rest of the night, you and the boys talked about everything and anything you could think of. Eventually, you and the boys were becoming extremely tired.

"So listen, guys. I have three beds. One was for each member of my family. Dean, I think you would fit comfortably in my dads bed or mine. Sam, I think you would fit best in my mothers bed since your so tall and her bed is queen sized. We all will get our own beds so why don't you go and choose."

Sam looked like he was about to pass out and Dean looked like a dead drunk. When they both heard you say that, they nodded and walked to the upstairs. Sam took your mothers room while Dean took your fathers room. Dean went to bed immediately when he laid down. Sam started searching for a sheet since your mothers bed only had a comforter on it. That's when you entered with a sheet in your hands.

"Here. Take this sheet. This is the only one that will fit her bed."

"Thanks (Y/n). Are you sure your alright with this? Me being in your mothers bed?"

"Yeah. It needs to be used."

You then turned from Sam and left for your own room. You made yourself comfy and stayed awake till you were sure the brothers were asleep. Eventually you felt comfortable enough to fall into a deep sleep.

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