Chapter 5: The first night: Nightmares (2)

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*time skip of 5 hours later brought to you by me*

You were having a nightmare. You were writhing in your sleep and crying. Thats when you suddenly shot up from your bed screaming with tears pouring from your face. A few moments later Dean and Sam were in your room with guns drawn.

"(Y/n)! What's wrong? Who was here?" Dean shouted.

"Dean, I don't think anyone was here. I think she just had a nightmare." replied Sam who immediately put his gun down.

"It's alright guys. I'm fine. I always have these nightmares every night. I'm used to it. Just go back to sleep." you stated while your whole body was shaking.

"Dean, go get some sleep. I'll stay with (Y/n) for a while and try to calm her down."

Sam's response was returned with a grunt and an ok.

"Sam, please go back to bed. I'm alright, really I am." you pleaded.

"No. (Y/n), you need to tell me what the nightmare was about so I can help you. Please. You look so scared and hurt. I don't like seeing people this way, especially not you. Please tell me what wrong."

"Well.............I was dreaming about my mom. Every night it's different. Tonight's nightmare was that my mom had been taken hostage and when I go to find her, I see her tied up with her insides all strewn around her like confetti. Then she wakes up as one of the dead. I'm then given a choice: shoot her or be killed. And I wake up every time when I choose to shoot. I know I could have never done it know. And I thought I had gotten past this already but I guess I haven't."

".........I-I-I'm so sorry (Y/n). Come here." Sam replied while motioning for you to slide over and hug him. You did as he said and crawled across your bed into his embrace. Because of his size, he engulfed you into a big bear hug. That's when you started to let the tears fall. He let you cling to him as he rubbed your back soothingly. Eventually you had no more tears left to cry so all you could do was hug him and cling to him as if he was your last chance at surviving.

"Thank you Sam. Unlike your brother, you for some reason have a calming aura about you. Thank you."

"No problem (Y/n). Do you think you will be able to go back to sleep?"

"I highly doubt it. If I do, I probably will wake you guys up again."

" you um..........maybe........want to um........sleep in your mothers room with me? It might help if you have someone beside you. Your subconscious might relax if someone was protecting you. I'm not really sure how that exactly works. I guess it would have to do with the neurological sciences of the mind in that...."


"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No. You said just the right thing. I would appreciate that."

"Well, come on then. Let's try and get you that rest you deserve." 

He picked you up bridal style and started to carry you into his room. He gently laid you down and let you crawl to the other side. He then joined you under the covers.



"Could maybe........cuddle?" you asked with a light blush dusting your cheeks. Even though you were 16 and he was 21, you still felt that being in bed with an older boy wasn't wrong. Besides, he wasn't that much older than you.


Sam scooted his way over to you and put his arms around you. You snuggled closer to him and took in his scent. You sighed with contentment as you felt yourself begin to drift off.

"Thank you so much Sam."

"Your welcome (Y/n). Get your rest now. I'll be here if you need me. I won't leave you, and neither will Dean."

"Goodnight Sammy."

"Goodnight (Y/n). Sweet dreams. See you tomorrow morning."

And for the first time in a year, you slept soundly.

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