Chapter 3: The Winchesters

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It was a normal day. Shooting zombies, slicing their heads and bodies, eating, sleeping, watching the news, and anything else entertaining you could find. You decided to head out to the store and get supplies. Even though you had enough to last you another year or more, you were getting bored and wanted to get out and do something. You decided to visit your local Walmart. You knew that there would be tons of zombies so you took your sword and bow and arrows to defend yourself. Before you left you got dressed into a (y/f/c) shirt, jeans, and black converse. After that you put your hair into a ponytail and grabbed your stuff. You took your mothers car and drove to Walmart. Once arriving there you just stopped the car. Zombies were crowding the doors all around the store. It looked like a Black Friday mob that was dead. You started to plan a way to get into the store. That's when you notice two men driving in a car. A black '67 Chevy Impala to be exact. They stopped in a parking space near the entrance and seemed to be discussing things and motioning to the store. You decided to ignore them and go on with your plan. You decided to take the fire escape on the side of the building to get to the roof. From there you planned to bust a roof window and lower yourself down with a rope. Great plan right? Well not really. You were about to get out of your car to begin your plan when you notice the two men exit their car and slowly sneak over to your car. You start to panic and instinctively lock your car door. When they reached your car they quietly knocked on the doors. You heard a husky voice ask to please be let in. You unlocked your doors and let them in. The two men then entered the backseat of your car and relocked your doors. When they finally settled in in the backseat, you looked in your rear view mirror to see what these gentlemen looked like. One you could tell was older and shorter than what you assumed was his brother. The older looking one was very muscular and had on a denim jacket, a black shirt, jeans and a leather jacket. As you looked a little closer, you could tell that his eyes were the color of green. You could tell that both of these boys had seen some rough stuff. Their eyes looked soft but hurt. The younger looking one was really tall looking. He was wearing a red and black plaid shirt and jeans. His hair was longer than his brother's and looked so soft and silky. His eyes were puppy dog brown. That's when the older one spoke up.

"So, what's your name and back story before this shit occurred?"

You jumped at his sternness but replied.

"My name is (Y/f/n). I'm currently 16 and am going into my junior year of high school. My mother and I were the only ones in my family to survive. About 3 months after this shit storm started, my mother became violently ill and had to be killed. My neighbor did it for me while all I could do was cry. I'm living on my own with enough supplies to last for about another year or so before I'm fucked. I have skill with multiple weapons and have defended myself. I'm still going to school while maintaining my life. And what about you. Who are you?"

After you finished talking, the two boys looked at each other and seemed to be talking to each other with their eyes. Then the younger one spoke up.

"My name is Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean. As for our life......." that's when you butted in.

"You hunt the supernatural right?"

"Um.....yeah. How do you know that?"

"My father was a hunter. He died when I was really young but he taught my mother who then taught me." That was when Dean butted in and made the final statement that would start a new chapter in your life.

"Listen, I'm sorry about your mother, me and Sam both. I can tell living is a struggle for you. That's why I wanna make an offer with you. We get to stay with you in your house and help you as you return the favor by helping us. We need a place to stay and as payment back to you for housing and taking care of us, we will protect you and whatever else you may need. Do you agree with me?"

You started to think about the pros and cons of the situation.

"Yes. I could use the help........and the company........." You replied after a long time of thinking about it.

"Alright! Let's start by getting into that store and getting the supplies before we head home?" Sam stated.

"Yeah......but how? Every exit is blocked by these dead assholes. The only way that is clear is the fire escape. And even if we get in, we don't know how many undead bitches are in there."

"I say we hijack that big Walmart truck right there and load all that we need in the back and then some." Dean stated.

"Alright. I say that Dean, you take care of the hijacking. Sam, you can come inside with me and help me hunt for supplies and killing the undead. Dean can join us after he gets the truck ready. When we get all that we need, we can load it up. Sam can take the Impala, Dean, you can take the truck, and I will drive my car and lead you to my house. Does that sound ok to you?"

This time, Sam was the one to interject.

"Yeah! Let's go! Also! Silence. That's the only way we will survive to the greatest extent."

"Ok..........guys?" You asked quietly.

"Yes (Y/n)? What's wrong" asked Sam.

"I just wanna thank you for all that you are doing for me."

"No problem! Now, let's get going."

Sam and Dean were the first ones to exit your car. They ran over to their car and opened its trunk. There, they gathered guns and other weapons before running back your way. That's when you exited your car and started running to the truck with them. The plan was simple enough to complete without any major zombie issues. You were in your car leading two, hot as hell, men to your home in no time. You were heading home to safety.

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