Chapter 10: The End

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I thought it was time to bring this to a close. I'm losing ideas to continue but this is the best I've got. Sorry if it sucks.😄

*le time skip brought to you by moose and squirrel*

"(Y/n), how do you deal with this school?" Sam asked when you arrived home.

"I don't know, I just do!" You replied jumping onto the sofa and getting comfy.

"Someone's a bit grumpy. What crawled up your ass and died?" Dean asked while grabbing two beers from the fridge.

"No one Dean. I'm tired, that's all. I'm going to head to my room to do some homework. I'll make dinner in a little while." You say while you trudged upstairs.

"Do you think something's wrong with her?" Sam asked while Dean handed him a beer.

"I don't know Sammy. She's 17. Think of how we acted when we were that age."

"Your probably right."

Sam and Dean then continued to talk about their experience at your school. You heard little bits and pieces but didn't really care. You continued with your homework until it was about 5:30. Luckily, you finished everything. Now, all you had to do was make dinner.

"Sam! Dean!" You shouted. Apparently, you sounded terrified so the boys both came crashing into your room with scared expressions on their faces. You busted out laughing at their cute faces. Eventually you calmed down enough to tell them that you were making burgers for dinner and needed the sink clean to do so. Sam immediately went downstairs while Dean hung back for a moment.

"Hey (Y/n)? Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure!" You said while patting your bed for him to sit down. He sat down and turned to you with a sad look on his face.

"Listen, I know that with the zombie apocalypse, a lot of things went wrong but right now, that doesn't matter."

"What's wrong Dean?"

"(Y/n), I love you. From the moment I first met you, I have loved you. I know for a fact that Sam does too but I can't let you slip away from me. I'm sorry if I seem too forward with this but I had to say something before it was too late." Dean said breathlessly.

"Dean.........I..............I love you too. I know it sometimes may look like I like Sam more but not really. I love you both equally but Sam is more of a brother figure to me and I told him that. I told him right before we went to Spanish class today. He understands and told me that he was ok with it. He also went on to say that he would probably cause more trouble on me because he would care WAY too much and die protecting me or something like that." You giggle. 

Dean sighed a sigh of relief. He moved closer to you causing you to fall backwards onto your pillow. He positioned himself comfortably above you and began to kiss your neck softly. You stifled a tiny moan but Dean could tell you were enjoying it. He then moved to attack your lips. You met with his and it was like sparks flew. You moved your lips in perfect synchronization with his. Dean pulled back slightly to breathe air. You pulled him back down and continued where you left off. After a while, you went downstairs to make dinner. You do the usual and went back upstairs. You and Dean went to bed, together, thinking of how nothing mattered anymore. Not the zombies, demons, life. All that mattered was that you both had someone to love and care for. Nothing else in the world could change the fact that you and Dean had found hope in a hopeless world.










"That thing in the library was nothing, right? It didn't mean anything?" Dean asked.

"Yes, Dean. It was nothing. We thought we had chemistry but we didn't. Now can we please go to sleep." You replied tiredly.

"Sure thing............"

"baby doll"

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