Chapter 9: Classes Continue

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"I'm going to end this deal if you keep asking twice!" You said while trying to hold a straight face.

"I want..............."

"Spit it out already!" You burst.

"To play the Pocky game." Sam replied flatly.

"W-w-wah? W-what would you w-want that for?" You said while blushing.

"Because you said I could have whatever I wanted and I want to play the Pocky game. I've never played it before and I want to try it" Sam said while looking at you.

"Um..... Ok. I'll see if the librarian has any left over from anime club." You said while getting up. A few moments later, you came back with a pack of Pocky. You sat down and opened them up.

"Ok. So, you know the game right?"

"Yep! You each put an end to the Pocky in each other's mouth and then break off in the middle."

"Pretty much. You ready?"

"Yep!" You each put an end of the stick into your mouthes and started to eat, pulling your faces closer to each other. When you both had reached the middle, you had broken the piece and started to pull back when you felt two long, strong arms pull you back. You started to say something when you felt something soft crash into your lips. Sam was kissing you and pulling you closer to his body. You were shocked at first and then soon melted into the kiss, fluttering you eyes closed. Sam smiled into the kiss and pulled you onto his lap, so he would be closer to you. He licked you lips, asking for entry, which you teasingly refused. Sam growled and pushed his lips harder onto yours. He then decided to start kissing your jawline which made you gasp. Sam took this chance and thrusted his tongue into your mouth. Sam searched every inch of your mouth. Then, you both started to battle for dominance which Sam won. Sam then took a moment to separate and gather air. He leaned his forehead against yours while you both breathed heavily. You sighed with content and leaned on his shoulder while his arms were cuddling you and holding you close.

"" You laughed at the awkward situation.

"Yeah.........sorry.........I got a little carried away."

"No, you didn't. You were perfect Sam." You sighed and snuggled closer to Sam and listened to his beating heart. Sam started to lean back on his chair and you tried to stop him, but it was to late. The chair fell over, carrying you and Sam to the ground. Sam instinctively turned his body so that you would land on him and not get hurt. You both fell with a crash. The librarian came to the back room and found you on top of Sam and a chair on the floor beside you. You immediately got up and explained that you tripped and crashed into Sam causing the chair to fall over and you to land on Sam. The librarian just huffed and went back to work. Sam got up and sat in the chair again, motioning for you to come sit in his lap again. You did so and sighed.

"Hey (Y/n)? How much longer till your next class?" Sam asked while he stroked your hair.

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