Chapter 8: The Start of The Day

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*Time skip of about 20 min.*

"(Y/n). This is your school?" Dean asked while turning the Impala up your schools drive.

"Yeah. It's a nice school. Unfortunately, it's an all girls school. Well it was. Until the outbreak. Now, our brotherhood school is with us. To be fair, the boys take one end of the school, and we take the other. Most girls have boys with them weather it be their family or boyfriend. We all keep those as close as we can. You'll be fine." You say.

"Where are we going?" Sam asked.

"You'll find out when we get inside" You replied. Dean parked the Impala and exited. Sam got out of the car and opened your door so you could get out with your backpack. You walked up to Ms. Lennon and told her who you were and who the boys were. She said that they are welcome and ushered you inside.

"Dean, you can go to the front lobby. There you will find a guy named Allyen who will give you instructions on what to do. Just ask if you can protect the science wing of the school, since that's where Sam and I will be I want to keep you guys as close as possible."

"Alright (Y/n). I'll see you and Sam at lunch right?" Dean asked felling quite awkward since he was being ogled by the girls of your school.

"Yeah. Find me and Sam so we can eat lunch together. And by the way, if any girl gives you trouble, tell them your with me and that your taken. They will leave in a heartbeat." You say smiling at the thought of girls fawning over Dean.

"Bye then."

"Bye." You turned around and lead Sam to your locker. There, you grabbed your books for the day and checked in with a teacher. You and Sam talked until the bell rang for first period to begin. You lead Sam to the library and sat down.

"(Y/n)? What are we doing here? Don't you have a class to go to?" Sam asked as he followed you to the back of the library in the silent study area.

"This is my class silly!" You laugh while picking a seat an sitting down and motioning for Sam to do the same.

"What do you mean?"

"Sam, this is my free. I can do whatever for 75 min. I can read, do homework, ask teachers for help, or mess around on my iPad."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"Well, I still have a little bit of Spanish to do, so I guess I'll finish that. I don't need my iPad so you can use it. Hopefully, I'll finish in about 25 min." You said while getting out your notebook and a pen.

"Ok. I guess I'll do some research then. Can I use one of the computers here?"

"Oh! Yeah, of course. I'll go sign you into one." You said while walking over to a computer.

"Thanks." Sam said while following you.

"There you go! If you have any questions or problems, just come back and get me. I come see you when I finish Spanish."

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