Chapter 7: The first morning of high school, junior year!

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You woke up rather early. You looked at your clock. It read 5:30. Technically, you had a half hour before you had to get you and the boys ready. Once you had really awoken, you felt someone's arms around you. You started to panic a little but then realized that it was just Sam. You could tell that it was him by how he was snoring. You carefully rolled over and settled back down. You took a good look at Sam while he was still sleeping. He's so cute. I guess the saying is true. You do look 5 years younger when you sleep! You thought to yourself chuckling slightly. Sam then started to stir and slowly opened his eyes. He smiled and yawned causing you to yawn.

"Morning (Y/n)."

"Good morning Sam. It's 5:34 so we have about 30 minutes to chill before we have to start getting ready." You said while sighing at the current peace.

"Yeah? That's nice."


"What's your schedule for today in your classes, since I am joining you."

"Um......... I think today is a day number 6 so.......... I have free first, religion second, lunch, English third, and Spanish fourth period."

"What is free?"

"A period in which you can get help with homework, do homework, or just chill out. 75 minutes of bliss, usually for me. Haha!" You said in a sing song voice.

"So, wait, how long are your classes?"

"75 minutes. 35-40 for lunch."

"HOW DO YOU SURVIVE???!!!" Sam said with a hint of humor, fear, and sarcasm mixed into his voice.

"I just do, ok? You hunt demons and think this is bad?"

"No.......... It's just different from what I'm used to. So you have four classes each day?"

"Yeah. Tomorrow I have math, biology, world cultures, and biomed."

"Well, let's not worry about tomorrow, but worry about today."

"Getting philosophical are we?" You teased.

"Nah.......just getting ready for school!" He said while jumping out of bed. You squeaked at the sudden movement. Sam took half of the covers off of the bed leaving you to the cold air. You immediately grabbed the covers and buried yourself underneath them.

"Come on (Y/n)! Up and at ém!"

"NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO..........." You groaned out.

"Then I guess I have no choice." Sam said as he left the room. You heard him turn on the water in the shower and thought he was going to take a shower. Boy were you wrong! Sam reentered the room and threw the covers off of you. He then proceeded to pick you up like a potato sack and throw you over his right shoulder.

"Sam? What are you doing? Put me down!" You said, panic rising in your voice.

"Nope! You said you needed a shower this morning so I'm going to help you in that direction!" Sam said cheerfully. He carried you into the bathroom and set you the tub...........with your pajamas still cold water. You shrieked.

"Sam! What the hell??!!!! It's fucking cold!!!!" You yelled as you began to shiver.

"Sorry, but you need to take a shower. Not saying that you smell, I'm just saying that you need one because you said so last night. Now, hurry up while I go get Dean up, get dressed, and start making breakfast, ok?"

"Yeah." You said while turning the hot water on. As Sam left, you locked the door and undressed yourself and stepped into the shower. It was a calming shower. You exited and went to your room to get dressed. Since it would be hard to defend yourself in a Catholic school girls outfit, the school allowed you to wear whatever you needed to. You choose a pair of black leggings, a (f/c) shirt with a cute flower design on the left shoulder, and a pair of black, high top converse. You smelled sausage and eggs in the air as you strapped your guns to your belt and walked downstairs.

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