Chapter 6: The First Day

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*time skip till about 12 the next morning*

You slowly opened your eyes. You sat up in the bed and looked around for Sam, expecting him to still be in bed. You didn't find him and you started to panic a little. That's when the smell of bacon wafted into your nose. Wait........bacon? You slowly rose out of bed and quietly dressed yourself in a shirt and sweatpants. You grabbed your gun and slowly and quietly, snuck downstairs to the kitchen. What you saw practically blew your mind. Sam was standing in front of the stove, in a chefs hat, cooking bacon, while Dean was washing dishes and singing to the radio which was blaring the song "Eye of the Tiger". You stayed quiet for a long time just watching them do their duties. But after a couple moments, you could not contain your laughter. You immediately busted out laughing and fell to the floor with tears in your eyes while the boys turned around blushing madly at what they knew you had seen. Sam was the one that threw the chefs hat at Dean and told him to take over while he went to help you up and calm you down.

"Sam. Why are you guys doing this? You don't have to."

"Yes we do (Y/n). You've been stressed out a lot recently. You have to take care of us and so much more. You even have school that you still need to take care of. You have a lot on you shoulders and the least we could and can do is to take some of that weight and put it on us."



"I'm going to be late for school!!!!!!! I've barely had any time to do homework and study and........."

"(Y/n)!!!!! Calm down!!! Today is Sunday. You don't have school. Just chill. We don't have any cases today so we all are just going to relax. Today is our free day where nothing has to be done. So why don't you go pick out a movie while we finish making breakfast."

"Sam? Before you go can I tell you something?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"I just want to thank you for what you did for me last night. You really helped me feel a lot better. I appreciate your kindness. You and your brother both have made me feel a whole lot better. So thanks."

"Don't worry yourself. We're here for you. We will not abandon you. Now, go pick out a movie while I finish making breakfast while Dean attempts to do dishes which I will eventually have to redo."

You laugh at Sam. As he starts to turn away from you, you reach up and grab his face and pull him down to give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you Sam."

"Your welcome (Y/n)."

Sam turned himself and headed back to the kitchen to finish making breakfast as you turned to your movie case to pick out a movie. You tried to pick a movie that would please Dean and Sam. You ended up with 3 movies the boys could choose from. The 3 movies you choose were: Inception, XXX, and Divergent. You grabbed the 3 movies and sat down on the couch until breakfast was ready. After about 10 min. of waiting, Sam called you to the dinning room for breakfast. You sat across from Dean while Sam sat at the end. Throughout the whole of breakfast, Sam and Dean talked about random things while you listened tentatively, laughing with them when they made stupid jokes. After a while of that, Dean started a mini argument with Sam about who would win in a fight, Superman or Batman. You just stared at them while they argued and eventually busted out laughing at how ridiculous the conversation had become.

"(Y/n)!!!! Who do you think would win in a fight: Batman or Superman?" Dean asked.

"Please do not drag me into this. I was just enjoying listening to your conversation. Do I have to?"

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