Armin Arlet pt.2 ~14~

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"I'm genuinely confused" Armin exclaimed, his head was slightly tilted to the side like a confused puppy.

"Like I said Mikasa is okay with it" Eren finished another question and started working on the next one while he left Armin confused, still trying t wrap his head around all of this.

"But how, I mean I know she practiced yesterday but has she really gotten over her grudge that quickly?" He understood what Eren was saying but he just couldn't comprehend it. It was Mikasa after all, she holds a grudge like no other.

"I'm not sure but it seems like it, after they talked, they seemed to have gotten along"

"Well if you say so," Armin decided to just let it go, whatever happened afterward was definitely something he shouldn't stick his nose in.

He'll talk with Mikasa tomorrow and see what she thinks of the whole situation just to see where everyone is at. This was a whole warzone and he was stuck in the middle of it.

"So are you going to tell me about him, I don't want to be the only one left in the dark" As much as Eren wanted to tell Armin he didn't know if he should. He trusts Armin with his life but would he be able to keep his secret without letting it slip

But regardless he knew that Armin wasn't going to stop bugging him about it till he spilled. Armin would get his way, one way or another. "So you remember Mr. Ackerman right,"

"Mr. Ackerman, as in your tutor!?"

"Yeah," Eren was somewhat amused by his friend's shocked expression, it was the same reaction his parents had when he told them. Armin on the other hand was still trying to process what Eren had just said.

But it wasn't entirely shocking, he was more surprised that his hunch was right. "That makes so much sense, no wonder why you always left early for your tutor sessions. And here I thought that you actually cared about your grades. Is that why you got a job as well!"

"Yeah, sorry I lied to you and Mikasa about that"

Armin had a feeling that it was Eren's tutor for a while now, after all going to his sessions was the only time when Eren ever went out during the week. If he wasn't meeting up with whoever Reiner said it was then the only other person he could meet up with was his tutor. Armin just decided to not tell Mikasa because he knew that she would go crazy if she found out, besides if his grades were going up then no need to say a word about any of this.

"Don't worry it's fine, I get it. Your in love, you do crazy stupid stuff, I'm more upset that I wasn't the first to know! I mean you told your coworkers more about your relationship than me! Your best friend of fifteen years!"

"You're not happy with me are you"

"It took you that long to realize," Eren decided to let Armin cool of,f for now when Armin's angry he can throw a good punch if he wants to. Eren went back into doing his work as Armin stared him done for a couple of minutes.

"You know I kinda had a hunch that you two were more than friends"

"Really, what gave it away?" Eren stared up at Armin as Armin looked back down.

"You remember when we went over at the Wings of Freedom to celebrate and how we all ended up drinking" Eren had a feeling where this was going, he should've known that this would happen.


"I was the only one sober and I just watched the whole thing happen," Armin watched as Eren sighed. Throughout the whole night, Armin was just staying on the sidelines watching everyone, making sure that they didn't get hurt. It was quite amusing to watch them to be honest.

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