we can't keep doing this

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no smut but sorta sexual chemistry? idk.

there was so much i had to do before tomorrow morning. stacks upon stacks of bleached trees accumulating on my desk.

utterly engrossed in my work, i was startled by the sudden sound of my office door shutting behind me.

i swivelled in my chair in order to view the bearer of the noise.


his back facing me, before he apprehensively turned to face me.

'fuck damon, you scared the shit out of me'

'sorry love'

'why are you here?'

'i think you know why i'm here'

i sighed deeply, placing my hands on my knees.

'damon,we can't keep doing this-'

'sure we can' he abruptly cut me off before slowly perusing his arrogant walk in my direction.

'damon we made a promise it wouldn't happen again. it's been 7 times now. it's getting ridiculous'

'can't help myself' he said in his husky, seductive voice paired with that smile as he towered over me, that intimidating aura engulfing our little bubble.

'damon. you have a wife'


'ok?' i said, raising my eyebrows in apprehension.

'a wife who is unaware of her husbands infidelities' he smirked, hands now casually slipped into his pockets.

i shook my head and swivelled on my chair, gathering up the loose sheets of papers that sporadically littered my desk.

damon leant over my shoulder, placing his hand upon the piece of paper i was about to pick up.

he tilted his head in my direction in order for his imperfectly perfect nose to graze my cheek 'this can wait.'

'no damon. this can't wait. you have to stop'

'make me.' he goaded, now peering across my gaze, showing off his shit-eating grin.

'don't play games' i elbowed his hand off the desk in frustration and pretended to ignore his presence.

'i'm not leaving unless you make me leave, love' his nose now in contact with my cheek again, lightly brushing the skin.

'fine' we stood up simultaneously, my face now inches away from his - his neck not stooped, but instead, his eyes just gazing down at me, laced with lust.

his aura was immensely intimidating. he is incapable of taking no for an answer.

i wanted him o so badly and he knew this; that's exactly what he had against me. he knew that i knew that i in fact; wanted him - no - needed him. oh how i needed him. but i couldn't. not now not ever.

oh but his lips..

'come on, out' i pressed my palms against his sturdy chest in a pathetic attempt to push him backwards - but to no avail. he stood firm, jaw clenched some, as his eyebrow cocked, exposing that familiar smug expression he uses every so often when he knows all too well he's going to get his way.

i huffed with minor exasperation, 'fine. if you don't leave, i will' i swiftly turned back around to gather my semi-collated pile of papers before brushing past damon in an attempt to leave the room - as much as i didn't want to.

but not to my surprise, there he was, pulling me back by my shirt. with a firm pinch of the fabric behind my back, he lured me back in. physically and emotionally. 'you won't want to do that'

i stepped backwards slowly, following his pull until i was beside him again, unable to face his conceited grin i could see plastered across his face in my peripheral as i had eventually caved into our desire.

'we don't need these' he said, calmly removing the pile of papers from my possession and placing them down on the desk behind me.

i audibly gulped down the dry lump that was festering in my throat.

he placed his hand on my cheek, pulling it slightly so i was facing him, before he rubbed slow circles on the softened skin. 'now how 'bout you make yourself comfortable on that desk over there and spread those pretty legs of yours for me?'

hi guys sorry this is super rushed and boring but i just wanted something to upload. here y'a go:)

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