tell me*

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contains explicit sexual content and a lot of swearing. dom damon. fem reader. damon is also being a prick so lots of rough sex (he's very insecure here lmao)

'so you admit it then? you fucking shagged him?' damon hissed at me with flaying limbs.

'why the fuck are you suddenly so controlling over me? we were never a thing! and we never will be. we made a deal, damon, no strings attached' i seethed.

'fuck. you'

'sorry?' i scoffed.

'that's rich. coming from you. you flipped your shit when i fucked that tv presenter last month.'

'yes because she deserved it. i mean Martine Kaiser?? really? she's a fucking slag and you know it. i just didn't want to catch any of her grotty sti's' i bounced back immaturely, internally cringing at my words.


'someone's salty.' he said with crossed arms and an arrogant expression.

'oh and you're not?' i snapped back, eyes wide open.

he scoffed at my remark, shaking his head in annoyance before intensely meeting my deathly glare, returning the look.

'was it a good shag?' he asked sincerely, slowly edging his way forward towards me.

'i'm not answering that'

'so it was?'

'damon. shut the fuck up before i leave'

'come on love you know you don't mean that' he reached out a hand to place it on my waist.

i wriggled out of his grip 'i fucking mean it damon. i'm leaving if this topic gets brought up ever again' i was really at the end of my tether now.

'come 'ere' he held out his hand, only for mine to aggressively retract to his touch. 'look alright i'm sorry. i won't shag any other birds' he held up his hands beside his head as if he was surrendering.

'damon you know that's not what i want.'

'then fucking tell me what you want' his hands were outstretched with exasperation as he looked at me intently, his tongue darted out to wet his plump lips that were slightly ajar.

and boom. just like that. i couldn't resist. our lips met once again and any previous resentment had left the room; the agression still there, though.

the passion and force in our kiss was like no other; we needed each other and there was no denying that.  we were had only been half a day.

our soft lips abused one another as our tongues moved rhythmically between our teeth.

his hand crept up my torso and past my cleavage in order to ultimately wrap his slender fingers around my neck.

applying pressure on my neck, he pushed me backwards firmly, my back now slamming harshly into the granite island of his lux kitchen.

'you're so fucking sexy when you're angry' he hushed through muffled words.

his other hand slid down and underneath my skirt, wasting no time in slipping his hand beneath my pants in order to gently pleasure my bundle of nerves.

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