warmer with you here*

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smut, more smut, age gap of however big u want it (i'm thinking like 20 years). weed smoking. bit of angst. i had current damon in mind but it could be damon from any period between 2017-now. based on the gorillaz world tour.

it was 1am in the dressing room and the band were celebrating after finishing their final show of the tour.

it had been fantastic (you had attended 12 out of the 35 dates). you were lucky enough to be friends with seye, so you were invited on tour for the local gigs (when i say local, i mean the European dates) to watch from backstage and hang out with the band.

you got on with everyone really well; jesse, mike, femi, jeff and even stu - but seye and smog were your favourites. smog was like a father figure to you as he'd always try his best to help you with your TEFL course you were taking whilst on tour - whenever he had the time. you had dreams of travelling to madagascar to teach english to the less fortunate kids there once you had qualified. you would spend about an hour studying every day when not much was happening - either during soundcheck or in the mornings after breakfast. he'd always try his best to help, despite not knowing much about the topic himself.

but damon. damon was the one you were least familiar with. he was always somewhere else, rarely hanging out with the group - he always had better things to do. you had hardly spoken to him - nevermind a one-to-one - as (unless he was performing) he was always either exploring the area with missy, or writing songs in his hotel room alone. but you wanted to get the know him - you just couldn't understand the hype.

tonight, however, damon was there. very very stoned.

as a group, we played a few rounds of cards in the candlelit room before we gradually got bored and the drunken conversations took off. damon didn't say much though, he just sat in his little corner of the burgundy sofa passing a spliff back and forth between femi and himself.

conversations soon trailed off and before long people began to take themselves off to bed. smog was one of the last to go, and he let you know by ruffling up your hair as he passed behind you on his way to the door. it was now only femi, damon and yourself left in the room.

'anyone want a drink?' you asked the suddenly silent room, lifting yourself up from the sunken arm chair and heading over to the mini fridge.

'i'm all good thanks' femi responded.

'damon?' you asked again, offended by his silence.

'not for me thanks' he responded bluntly, not even batting an eye in your direction before placing the spliff between his lips again.

you headed over to the fridge and retrieved yourself a cool can of red stripe before collapsing into the chair again.

'want a toke?' damon asked, offering the spliff across the table.

you hesitated for a second, swallowing the cool liquid before meekly nodding and standing up to take the spliff. you took a drag before handing it back to damon and making your way back to your chair.

but before you could sit down, 'come sit here, so we can all share it easier' damon said, patting the sofa beside him.

you stood up again from your semi-perched position and made your way over to the sofa beside damon. the small (but comfy) sofa. so small that the two of your thighs were pressed together, not helped by damon's uninviting manspread.

'so..teaching english as a foreign language i hear?' damon said, passing the spliff over to you.

'yeah that's right. i want to teach in madagascar one day...hopefully' you chuckle. 'how did you know?'

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