Chapter One

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Hello Guys My first official Wattpad story. c: I seriously thought of this today during a talent show that was held at my school so don't kill me okay? Okay! Not a Fault in our stars quote by the way. Just gonna let you know right now! Okay now STORY TIME! *Runs over to a book shelf and takes a book to the reading carpet like in kindergarten* Right.... Okay just time for the story for real this time! ON-WARDS! 

Phil's POV

        Stupid school. I was staring out the window like I did every day during maths. "Okay class today we have a new student!" I really didn't care much. The new kid would probably become popular anyways.

        "Phillip Lester! Look up here right this instant! You will show Daniel here that he is welcome got it!?" Mrs.Fox never yelled at me unless someone important was in the room. So I guess a new kid is important? I looked towards the front of the class. A couple of the girls in front of me were giggling. "This is Daniel Howell," She said cheery as she usually is. She turned to Daniel, "Daniel you can sit where ever there is a seat open! As soon as you get settled in we can begin the lesson because today will be so much fun! We are doing algebra!" The whole class groaned.

         I glanced at Daniel. Fresh meat for all of the sluts in the school. He had a brown fringe witch was different for this school since all of the 'cute' guys had really short hair. But the girls must of liked it. He also had dark cinnamon brown eyes with golden shards in them. "Hey you can sit over here if you like!" It was Angel who had spoken. She was basically the leader of all of the sluts. Though no one said that to her face. After a couple of seconds he replied. "Um no thanks..." He trailed off.

        I went back to the window seeing that Mrs.Fox was satisfied. In the small yard their was a birch tree. A sparrow flew around. It finally spotted a branch that he decided was suitable and flew to it. It landed had reached his reward. The berries that were on the tree for some weird reason. As soon as he had finished the berries he flew away and left. That's how life is. You take something away from someone and then they just leave. No thanks and they never get that thing back. No matter how much they want it back it never will come back.

        I heard a shuffling noise coming besides me. I ignored it. I looked on the table. My notebook had been open to a blank page for drawing earlier. So I grabbed the pencil and started to draw. I decided to go with a lion. I love lions a lot. They are my favourite animal. I started with the eyes. I always start with the eyes because the eyes are the most important part of the picture. 

        I finally finished the drawing. "Well Phillip what is the answer?" I looked up blankly. Mrs.Fox and the whole class was staring at me. And for some weird reason Daniel Howell choose to sit next to me.  "Um could you repeat the question?" 

        It was finally lunch time. I could finally see Chris and PJ. "Phil help me!" I looked up. Chris was clutching onto my arms. "Chris what is the matter? Is it something with Pj again?" He looked up. "Yes he is incredibly sexy and it took all of my force not to jump onto him! Like seriously look at him!" I couldn't help the face palm. But I looked at the table were Pj was waiting for us. He was wearing a new shirt. "Okay Chris calm down. You know you can't cover him in kisses." He chuckled "Yea I but I wish...." Again face palm. "We all know Chris. Well except Pj. Now lets go before Pj thinks we ditched him." Chris let go off my arm and we walked calmly over to the table.

        "New shirt?" "Glad you notice Phil! Now we need to discus something." I looked at them both. They were both were wearing an evil grin on there face. "I'm scarred to ask. But I'm gonna anyway." Chris piped up. "Curiosity Killed The Cat!" "NO NOT MY PRECIOUS LION CUB!" We all burst out laughing.  Pj broke the off the laughing by finally saying something. "Phil I have had an girl friend and we all know Chris has had more than on boyfriend...." Chris looked up and grinned."Yes sir!" Pj continued. "Anyways our goal is to find you someone!" Now I was shocked. "No Pj. No no and No." Chris Answered for him. "Too bad we are forcing you. Now what is your sexuality?"  Just as he asked it the bell rang saving me. "Well now time for gym." Chris sighed. "Fine stupid bell. Lets go get our kits." 

 Dan's POV
        Time for gym. I hate this school. Mainly cause of my dad. And how everyone thinks i'm posh. I'M NOT POSH! I glanced at my time table and saw that there for gym you had to meet in the gym. I got dressed and wandered over to the gym taking my sweet time. It's not like I am in any hurray to see my dad. Again.

        I finally arrived at the gym a little to soon for my liking but it's not like I can avioid him all day.  I walked in the gym. I only knew a couple people in the gym. By my dad was the populars probaly trying to butter him up so they could be class favorites. Then Over surrounded by a small group of girls was the blonde haired girl who wanted me to sit next to her. But her shirts should be way higher so I was guessing she was part of the slutty bunch. Great. And the only other person I knew well not really but kinda was the Phillip dude from maths class. The one with the bright blue eyes that made me smile. He was hanging out with two other kids. They both had brown hair but one of them had green eyes and the other one had brown eyes. The one with brown eyes glanced longingly at the one with green eyes. I couldn't help but smile. He had a small crush on him if I read his eyes correctly. 

        "Well look here, there he is now!" I turned around slowly. It was my dad. He blew his whistle and everyone gathered around him. Phillip and the two boys stayed in the back. 

        "Okay everyone listen up because I'm not going to repeat any of this again! I'm am your new gym teacher Mr. Howell! By the end of the year you all should have some talent." He glanced around the room. His eyes set on Phillip. "Well almost all of you. The first unit we are starting with is football! But since it is the first day and I am nice I will let you off easy today. We will start with football tomorrow and we can do something really easy and relaxing outside!" Half of the class sighed with relive. The other half was pissed because they wanted to actually do something.

        My father motioned everyone to follow him outside. He started heading towards a field with nice little flowers in it before he made a quick turn to the left. He had led the class to an track. "15 laps now!" The whole class groaned. Even the jocks. I started with a slow easy jog. Not walking but not running so my dad doesn't yell at me. I didn't even notice but my pace kinda went next to the Phillip kid so I decided to make small talk. 

        "Hey I'm Dan!" I smiled. He nodded to show he was listening and then replied. "Well i'm Phil not Phillip. I swear teachers call me that to annoy me!" He smiled. I liked the way his tongue stuck out a little. "So what is your favorite band?" He thought for a moment. "Muse how about you?" I couldn't believe it. "It's the same!" We did an high-five and then continued talking. "My turn to ask you a question!" He looked up at me. "So it's an game?" I thought for a moment. "Yea a game! So what is you favorite animal?" Phil didn't hesitate with this one. "LIONS OF COURSE THEY ARE CUTE AND FLUFFY AND THEY ROAR!" Phil realized that he said that a little too loudly because the people around us were looking. Phil's face started to turn red. "Sorry... what's yours?" What was Phil sorry about. That was an honest mistake. "Don't be sorry Phil. I would do the same but I wouldn't be able to make an Alpaca that interesting now could I?" Just as he was about to answer we heard my dad's whistle again.

        "Wimps! You barley even made eight laps! Well it's time to go inside! All of you! And Dan I'm am the most disappointed in you! You could have easily ran the 14 laps but you decided to stay behind!" I looked up. I have not been so embarrassed in my entire life. I mean getting yelled at by your father at school is embarrassing. "Sorry dad." "You better be! Now hurry up all of you!" We all ran just to get away from my father.

        (A/N) Well there is the first chapter :3 I'm sorry if it is crap but oh well. I just went through it with the spell check thing and I made so many spelling error's! X3 Anyway's I hope you enjoyed! ~Phan Fan *Grabs freddys top hat off of his head while he isn't looking and runs away* "NOW I GET TO KILL MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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