Chapter 11

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Dan's POV
It was Sunday. I haven't gotten any words from Phil since Thursday. On Friday he wasn't at school. I might as well head to Phil's house.

Right before I was going to leave Ace called from the other room. Today ace had a light blue jumper that matched his bright blue hair and his blue eyes.

"What's up?" I asked walking into the sitting room. He was holding my phone.

"You've been getting phone calls by a guy named Philly all day. Please answer him so my ears can get a break!" He said with a chuckle tossing my phone me.

I caught it and checked the call log. By Phil's name it said
Missed call: Philly xX (26)
I missed 26 freaking calls from him whilst I was working. "Thanks Ace." I called and went into my bedroom. Unlike the rest of the pastel coloured house this room was my cave. It was black and grey. Like my soul. And my tumblr theme.

I pressed call on Phil's contact. It rung four times before he picked up. "Hello lion! Where were you on Friday?" I asked cheerfully. He didn't reply right away. "Phil?" I asked genuinely worried.

"You're Dan Howell right?" A voice asked from the other line. His voice was deep and it shook as he spoke. This was not Phil.

"Yes. Who is speaking? And why in heavens sake do you have my boyfriend's phone?" I asked a bit irritated. I bit my lip waiting for a response. I heard a sigh from the other side.

"You are the kid I heard Phil mumbling about. I figured as he added kisses after your contact." He chuckled slightly. It didn't sound to happy. It sounded mournful. "Anyways I know you don't know who I am. Last time you met me- well heard me- I was a different man. I um I'm Phillips father... and well son we need to talk."

"I don't trust you. Where's Phil?" I asked my voice shaking.

"That's what we need to talk about. I won't hurt you and if I even lay a finger on you, you have permission to call the cops and shriek at the top of your lungs." He said.

"Fine. I'll be over in five." I finally agreed. I hung up and grabbed my light grey jacket with the devil horns on the hood. "See you tonight Ace." I said walking out of the house.

I walked the short distance to Phil's house. As soon as I got there I knocked on the door. A man with the same blue eyes as Phil. His hair is a bit lighter than Phil's and it's short. He's got some freckles on his nose and a scar on his forehead. "Hello I'm Mark, Phil's father." He stuck out his hand. I shook it.

"Dan. Dan Howell. Nice to meet you." His eyes were red and his nose was light pink. You could tell the man had been crying. He stepped aside to let me in.

The house was clean. It no longer stunk of alcohol. The entire downstairs was clean. The window was open and the curtains were open. Light skinned in through the clean Windows. Everything had been dusted and the dishes had been done. All of the crushed beer cans and the beer bottles were gone. A new tablecloth had been put on the table. I noticed a red stain on the white kitchen floor.

We sat in the living room. He sat on the arm chair and I took a seat on the leather sofa. "Okay so you're probably wondering... what happened." He started off. I nodded. He took a deep breath.

"As you know I have/had an alcohol addiction. And I realized what I had become. I am going to therapy. But on Thursday night I beat up Phil really bad. It was only a couple of hits and kicks but the damage from the other wounds I gave him and the wounds he gave himself, well... since he never had them properly heal he had internal damage as well."

My eyes were wide as I was listening intensely.

"I snapped to my senses as I kicked him once more. His blood was on the floor and he was sitting there bawling. He didn't do anything to his mother. It was my fault she died. She committed suicide from me being a horrible husband. But I had no one else to blame it on but him. So I realized this and snapped out of it. I took him to the hospital Dan. After they checked him out they realized he was asleep. At first we thought it was just the pain medicine. They told me to go home so I cleaned the house for him. I figured that'd make him happy. When he used to clean the house he'd get so upset when I dirtied it again. The next morning I went to visit him and he was still sleeping. The doctor came in. He told me..." he choked up.

I stayed silent my mind pounding in fear.

"Phil's in a coma."

A/N: about a year I started this story. And boom you get two updates. So the original plot line was completely different from what I'm going off of now. Chris and Pj are now minor characters and I'm gonna focus on this relationship more. Bye guys

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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