Chapter 7

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A/N: I'm a jerk and changing it over to Chris and Pj's POV. They haven't been in the past two chapters.

Pj's POV (anyone shocked? Nah. Never mind XD)

I woke up as the sun light streamed through the curtains in my blue room. I looked down. Chris was still asleep, his head resting on my chest. His arms were around my waist. His light brown hair fell onto his face. I smiled and carefully swept it off his face, trying not to wake the beautiful boy. I failed an he awoke eyes fluttering. "Morning love." I murmured to the sleepy Chris. He yawned and removed one of his arms from around my waist to try and rub the sleep out of his eyes with his hands. "Morning Peej." He said with a sleepy smile. This was too cute. "What's the plan for today?" He asked a little more awakened this time. "Maybe we could have a movie day with Dan and Phil?" I suggested. He nodded slightly. "That would be fun. I heard Phil had Dan over. Everyone raise your hand if you think they had cheeky butt sex!" Chris stated. Both of our hands shot into the air. We both started to laugh uncontrollably. After we both got calmed down a bit I finally dragged myself out of my bed despite Chris' complaints. "Chris get up. We have to get ready!" I told him. "Nooooo I don't wanna." He complained. "Chris. Get up." I told him sternly placing my hands on my waist. He sighed. "Fine mum." He huffed and sat up. "Good chrisy!" I said petting his bed head. "Can I borrow some clothes peej?" He whined. "Only if I get a kiss." I told him. He jumped up and pecked my lips. "Gladly." Another grin cracked his face. I grabbed him a pair of blue jeans and a green shirt. He put them on and
Damn he was hot. I had on a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain white Tee. "Pj you know what we should do?" He said after we were both dressed. "What is that chrisy?" I asked. I was growing accustomed to that Nick name. "We should build an fort in the living room peejy." He replied emphasizing the word peejy. "Okay chrisy." I chuckled. Knowing us this would be an full out battle of the nicknames ending with "y". Chris grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs bouncing with excitement. Again may I say fucking adorable. I couldn't stop smiling. "Pj my boy do you have any make-up?" He asked as we arrived in the living room. "Er my mum has some one second." I ran out of the living room were Chris was waiting and into the small downstairs bathroom. Ah Ha! Mum's make-up bag! I snatched the bag from under the sink and brought it back to the living room. Luckily my mum and dad were on a business trip for the next week so we had the entire house to ourselves. "Why do we need this?" I asked. He grinned and pulled out the liquid eyeshadow. //I'm pretty sure that's a thing XD idek ·-· ;-; how you know your a major tomboy//
He walked over to me and started to draw on my face. I smiled as he stood back to admire his work. He came closer and pecked my nose. "Damn you look gorgeous Pj." He whispered into my ear. This made a major blush spread across my tan cheeks. He grinned and started to apply two thick black lines on each cheek. I'm assuming he did the same to my face. He dropped the liquid eye shadow into the make-up bag, it landed with a thump. "Now sir Pj we are ready to make the ultimate pillow fort!" He announced with a medieval accent.
We ended up using chairs to hold the blankets up and duck tape to keep them together. Pillows covered the floor and the entrance was a wide gap in the wall to see the flat screen so we could watch our film from the shelter of the fort. "Should we call Dan and Phil then?" I asked. Chris nodded the huge heavenly smile not leaving his face. I rang them up and they said they'd be over in an half an hour. I decided I wanted to cuddle. "Chrisy I wanna cuddle!" I whined. "Only for you Pj." He told me and poked my nose. We laid down in the fort. Our feet tangled almost automatically. Chris laid his head onto a fluffy pillow. I laid my head onto his chest. I smiled as he wrapped my arms around me. I would have it no other way.

A/N: FLUFF! I died writing this. I'm not here now. I'm dead. I died in 1985. Jk. Hi the three people who actually read this XD.

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