Chapter 9

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Dan has been distant ever since we left Pj's. I wondered what was going on.

"Dan are you okay mate?" Chris beat me to it. 

"Yeah i'm fine." He replied a faint smile fading onto his face. Frowning I buried my face into his arm. I didn't believe him. 

"Trust me guy's i'm fine!" He said realizing no one believed him.  We sat in an awkward silence for a bit before he finally spoke up. "Okay I may have had a fight with my Dad but that's all!" He explained.

I lifted my face out of his jumper sleeve. "Dan you could stay with me.." I offered. 

"Or me if you like! My mum likes you." Pj told him. 
"Thank's guys but I need to figure this one out on my own." 
Dan's POV

In reality I couldn't tell them I got kicked out and that starting today I was to work at a small plant shop called 'Ace's Flower Shop' The owner Ace is very original. He is nineteen and i'm just glad he gave me a job. His shop has a small apartment above it and he is letting me sleep in the spare room since I explained my situation to him. I'm very grateful. I work from 5 to 10 giving me 3 hours of free time on the school days and on weekend I work 11am - 10pm. Sunday's I get off. I get paid well and overall it's a good job. 

We were walking outside because school ended. My job/house was ten minutes away from phil's. "Hey lion would you like me to walk you home?" I offered. He smiled. 
"Yes please." He responded grabbing my hand and leaned into my side his black hair covering his pale face as he was looking down. Chris and Pj went their separate ways leaving Phil and I to walk back to his house in a comfortable silence.

The only sounds to be heard were the passing cars, the birds, and our footsteps. It was beautiful. When we got to his house he pecked my lips.

"Would you like to hang out for a little bit while my dad is gone?" He asked. I checked my watch. 4:54. 'Shit!' 

"Sorry Phil I have to go. I love you!" I told him pecking his cheek again. I ran off his doorstep and started running. Thank god for my dad forcing me to exercise all the time.

I got to the flower shop at 4:59. I was completely out of breath as I was grabbing my pastel blue apron so I wouldn't get pollen and such everywhere. Ace had one too. We were the only employee's of this shop because he just started. Somehow he got good business though.

"Hey Dan! You're just in time. We got a new shipment of lilac flowers that need to be trimmed." He told me. 

"Okay Ace." I replied rushing to the stock room to find the lilac. 


Finally after we closed the shop up we went back upstairs. Finally I could rest. I went to my room after saying night to Ace. 

I laid down on the bed and closed my heavy eyelids. As I was falling into a unbreakable slumber I heard someone say "Goodnight Dan. Love you." 

A/N: WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW I UPDATED :D :D :D :D :D BE PROUD GUYS! And love ace. Ace is cool. Maybe ;) Bye guys!

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