Chapter 3

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Chris' POV
I woke up and took in my surroundings. Right I was at Pj's house. I felt something warm... Pj was snuggling with me!? His head was in the nook of my neck and his arms were wrapped around my waist. I mean I liked it but what if peej didn't!? I don't wanna ruin our friendship. "Peej get up!" I shook him with urgency. "Wha... what happened?" He sat up trying to fix his hair. "I woke up and you were snuggling against me and I would let you sleep but you know your straight and all so letting you snuggle with me is something that boyfriends are supposed to do and I didn't want it to ruin our friendship and yea." As the sentence progressed my voice quickened. "Its okay mate." He got up and turned around and went into his closet looking for something to wear. While doing so he muttered the last part thinking I couldn't hear. "Technically I'm bi, and I kinda liked it, and I kinda like you, yet you would never like me..." I shot up out of his bed in a instant.
Pj's POV
He shot out of the bed. Did he hear me!? No I don't want our friendship to end. Before my train of thought could continue I felt a pair of soft lips crash into mine. Chris was kissing me? His arms wrapped around my waist as we continued to kiss. I kissed back and before I knew it his tongue was licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I pushed back. "Chris we need to get ready for school..." his face was bright red. "So um Chris are you going to ignore me now because of what we did?" I was on the edge about to cry. "Ignore you!? Peej I have been wanting to do that for years!" "Really?" I gulped. My emotions got a hold of me fast. "Three years love." He pressed a light kiss on my forehead. "So are we a thing now?" "Pj would you like to be my boyfriend?" "Yes!" I lunged and gave him an attack hug. I kissed him on the lips one more time. "Peej dan from gym is sitting with us. I ship him and Phil." "Phan?" He nodded. "Phan."
Phil's POV -o- time skip it's lunch now.
I was walking with Dan to lunch. "So are those two guys you hang out with a thing?" "No but Chris the guy who came up to me and jumped on me yesterday likes Pj the other one. You will really like them." "Sweet!" We went to our lunch table. Chris and Pj were holding hands. "Chris is this a prank or...." peej spoke up. "Chris is my boyfriend!" "Chris you finally did it man!" "Chris he knew?" "Well I needed help not jumping you until the right moment...." Dan and I sat down. "Hi I'm Dan!" After all introductions were made Chris spoke up. "Phil we need to finish our conversation from before." Pj butted in. "So we have found someone if he agrees." The bell rang again before he finished. "Hey Dan can we talk to you?" Peej took dan aside i don't know whether to be scared or happy that he is friends with my friends. I'm gonna go with scared because with Pj anything can happen.

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