Chapter 10

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Phil's POV

"Phil GET Down here!" I shivered hearing the familiar drunken words. I scampered down the stairs limping to the kitchen. My leg still hurt from last time. "Philllllllllllllllllll I sorrrrrrrrry." He said wrapping his huge arms around me to give me a hug. It felt weird as he hasn't given me a hug in years.

After a few seconds of silence he shoved me down out of his arms. "I Cannnnnnt!" He roared shinny tears slipping down his dirty cheeks, clean trails where the tears slid through the dirt on his skin. His foot connected with my stomach. Tears pooled up in my eyes and hit the disgusting floor. His boot found it's way to my face. He kicked my face twice before sliding to the floor. The blood from my now split lip and bloody nose found it's way to the floor as well.

"i'm sorry." He said his words semi normal for once. "I'm g-Gonnna get help." I laid on the floor listening, paralyzed as I couldn't move without a wave of pain overcoming me. "T-tomorrow I go to see a therapist. I n-need to be a b-b-better father."

My eyes widened in shock. He has never said this before. He stood up very wearily. He walked over to me and picked me up so I was in his arms. "Man I am a horrible father. You are so skinny. We need to get you food...." I was so confused.

He was carrying me outside. He was shaky as he was still under the influence. He brought me to his black truck. Somehow he opened the back door and buckled me into the back seat so I was laying down as it would hurt less that way. I haven't been in this truck since I was four. It's leather seats aren't worn out in the least and somehow it's tidy. It was nice.

Dad got into the front seat. He was probably gonna dump me off somewhere. I was getting dizzy. It felt like someone was pounding on my skull trying to get out of my head. I could literally feel the individual bumps of my heart as it beet. I could tell dad would hit me again for the blood that was still running down my face.

"Tell them a kid beat you up okay? I'm not trying to be a better dad just to have them take you away." I couldn't talk still so I just whimpered as an okay.

He looked at the steering wheel and finally turned the ignition on. "Okay squirt what music should we listen too?" He asked. I didn't say anything. "Okay I deserve this. I am the shit father." His words slurred together a bit from the alcohol he had previously drank. The entire truck stunk of alcohol and the metallic blood from my face and stomach.

He drove. I was scared. Where are we going? I couldn't stop wondering. "w-where are we g-going?" I asked very weakly as it hurt to breathe. My vision was getting hazier and my eye lids where getting droopy.

"To the hospital Phil. I won't let you leave. I'm gonna try and get better. I promise." He said. His words stung like venom. Only because I knew that they wouldn't be true.

A few moments after that I felt my eyes kids close as they were too heavy to keep them open.

I don't remember much after that. Only glimpses. Like the white walls of the hospital. The cold metal underneath me whilst taking me to the emergency room. The bright lights from the medical equipment.

That's all I can remember. Then I fell into a deep sleep

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