Chapter 2

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Okay I'm back! I had to get inspiration so the best way to do that was watching Dan and Phil's Easter cooking video. Why dose Dan get put first in everything? For example Dan and Phil Games. I think too much. Anyways to da story! *Magically a book appears* Magic!

Chris' POV

        School was finally coming to a close. Thank god. "Hey Chris want to hang out?" I turned around. It was Pj! YES! Wait stop stop stop. Why can't Phil be here?! "Yeah sure what do you want to do?" He thought for a moment. "Well we could have an movie night? You could spend the night if you want!" YES! "Yea sure that sounds fun!" Yes yes yes yes. "Um Pj is it alright that I stop at my locker quickly?" He looked up from his phone. "Yeah sure don't be to long I will be waiting by the bike rack." He walked off. Good. Now where is Phil?" I wandered around the locker bay for a minute. Then I spotted him at his locker with anther boy. 

        The boy had dark brown hair. Wait isn't he in our gym class? What ever I need to talk to Phil. I walked up slowly behind Phil. The boy saw me. I lifted my finger to tell him to be quite. He got what I was doing and shut up. "So Phil what is your favourite color?" "My fa-!" I jumped on him. "HEY MATE!" We collapsed to the ground. My weight over powered him. "SERIOUSLY CHRIS! Get off of me!" The boy was laughing so hard he was about to fall over. "Shut up Dan!" Phil turned red. Like bright red. 

        "Ok Phil we need to talk.. Really badly...." I couldn't help kinda jumping. I was so excited. He sighed. 

Phil's POV

        "Oh is it ok if Dan hangs out with us tomorrow?" He face palmed. "Yes now PLEASE Can we talk!" Woah it is bothering him. "Yea lets talk." I turned to Dan who was confused. "Excuse me for a minute." We walked around the lockers. "Phil how do I not mess this up?!" I was confused now. "What?" His face went blank. "Right.... Well Pj sorta kinda invited me to stay the night. At his house. And i'm nervous." Classic Chris. "Chris it will be fine. Now go otherwise he will be specious. And don't kiss him while he is sleeping. Like seriously we all know you would do that!" He sighed in defeat. "Yep I probably shouldn't. Well see ya later." He started walking off. Then he turned around.  "And Phil!" Should I be scared?  "Yes Chris?" He had an evil grin on his face. "I ship it." What? "Um ship what?" His grin grew two times bigger. "Phan!" He turned back around and dashed for the door. Wait Phan? I walked back around the lockers.

        "Phil your face is red. Like bright red. What did he do to you?" Oh crap. "Nothing I was ummmm... Never mind." 

Pj's POV
         Chris was taking forever. Finally I saw him turn around the corner with his back pack. "Sorry mate I had locker problems!" "Nah that's okay. Lets go!"  My house isn't that far from the school so it was an five minute walk.

        "Chris what movie do you want to watch?" We were set. I ordered a pizza and we had a two litter of cherry coke. We were in my room. I had blue walls and a queen sized bed. Next to the bed was a medium black desk and on the opposite side was an dresser. I had a cozy closet mainly with art supplies in it. Then at the end of the bed was a foot locker. I had a flat screen tv at the head of my bed so I could watch from bed. 

        "Hmmm How about Mama?"  lifting up the case. "Maybe we should change first." He looked up. "Yea probably could I borrow something?" "Hmmm here you go mate." I tossed him some superman pajamas. 

Chris' POV
        "I will change in the bathroom pj." "Ok." I went into the bathroom to change. I put the superman pajamas bottoms and a blue shirt on. I walked out of the bathroom. Pj was shirtless. He looked up. "Do you mind?" I stuttered. "Um No-o I don't." Damn he was hot. I couldn't say anything though.

(A/N) Sorry for it being so short It is easter though so Happy Holidays! ~Phan Fan 

*Dissapers in a bonnie suit!* 

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