Chapter 5

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A/N: *has a piece of cake for finally updating* been a while hasn't it. ;-; sorry. Welp I'm back. And I'm going to update more often. For lack of updating I'm making this chapter a minimum of a thousand words. May be more cause I get emotional during writing but oh well :/ let's get on to the story *pulls dusty book out with the words cave systems and fire wizards printed on it*

Phil's POV
Dan seemed uneasy after gym. I was sweating my head because I had a lack of stamina. It was obvious that Mr.Howell hates me. Whatever that doesn't mean I can't be friends with Dan right? I was walking to English with Dan the last class of the Day. "Dan are you okay?" I asked. He was out of it. "Erm not really." He replied his beautiful brown eyes filled with worry. Darn it Phil. Don't call him beautiful we're only friends. "What's wrong?" I pressed on. He just shook his head. "It's nothing." He flashed me a smile as we kept walking to English.
Mr. Woods was babbling on about Romeo and Juliet or something. I gazed out the window again. I heard a snap and I looked up. Mr. Woods was standing right in front of the table I shared with Dan. "Lester do you care to explain our new project then since you knew it already?" I felt heat rise off my pale cheeks. "Sorry." I muttered and started to pay attention. Apparently we had to read the book The Outsiders with a partner and evaluate the differences and similarities between the Socs and Greasers. Then pic our favourite character of the book and give a report on them. "You may pick your own partners. Don't make me regret my decision." Mr. Woods said and gave us some time to pick partners. Dan turned to tell me something but Angel walked up to our table. "Hey Daniel." She said twirling her hair with her finger and gave a shy wave. "Hello Angel." Dan said with a smile. "So erm do you wanna be my partner?" She asked him. Dan turned to me with a 'Phil help me please!' Look. "Uh Angel, Dan and I are already partners." I said awkwardly. She gave me a dirty look then waved goodbye to Dan. He let out the breath he was holding. "Thank you Phil! I hate saying no." He shivered. The bell rang. "Don't forget to grab an outsiders book on your way out. You have three weeks to finish this project. Have a good weekend!" Mr. Woods called as everyone streamed out of the room. "Hey Dan wanna spend the night at mine so we can start our project?" I asked him nervously. 'Why am I nervous?' "Sure!" He chipped and pulled out his cell. "Just let me text my dad telling him were I am going." I nodded and leaned against a locker waiting for him to be finished.
Dan's POV
Me: Dad I'm spending the nights at Phil's to work on a project.
Dad: ugh why him. Why not someone actually athletic like Brady?
Me: Because Brady is a Douche!
Dad: Language Daniel!
Me: sorry father.
Dad: fine be home by 3 tomorrow.
I put my phone away. My lip curled. I despised that man so much. If I talked to my mother she wouldn't have yelled at me. "Ready?" I heard Phil ask. I nodded and we walked out of the school building. Phil's home was a ten minute walk. A street away from mine. He pulled out a key and opened the door. The stench of Alcohol hit me immediately. Phil grabbed my hand. I felt fireworks. 'Your straight Dan.' He pulled me up the stairs to a room with a black door with golden stars painted onto it. He opened the door and pulled me in. He closed the door immediately. He let go of my hand and grabbed a can of fabreze and sprayed himself. "Arms up." He said and I obeyed. He sprayed me down and sprayed the room. The room was painted light blue. He had a queen bed with a colourful bedspread. He had a stuffed lion on the bed. In the closet he had a dark wardrobe. Their was bookshelves and posters all over the room and he had dark blue curtain. There was a brown door on one of the walls that I assumed led to a bathrooms "What was that about?" I asked. He sat on his bed. "My dad became an Alcoholic after my mum died." He said softly. My lips pursed into the shape of an O. "I can't stand the stench of Alcohol so that's why I rarely leave my room." I walked over to him and hugged him. "Erm Dan?" He asked quietly. "Can we work on the project later and watch a movie now?" He asked. I just nodded. "Can I borrow a pair of sleeping pants?" I asked. He just nodded and pulled out an pair of black ones. "These look like they will fit. You can change in the bathroom." I nodded and walked into the bathroom. It was simple and plain. Smelled of Fabreze. I changed into the pyjama pants and took off my socks. I left my shirt on. I folded my socks and pants and left them on the sink. 'I hope Phil won't mind.' I walked back out into Phil's room and I felt tears form in my eyes. He was wearing a pair of red sweats without a shirt. His back has a bunch of scars and bruises. "P-phil how did that happen?" I asked in utter shock. "Alcohol does bad thing's to your brain Dan." He simply said. "How did I not see it in gym then?" I asked in shock. He held up concealer. "It works." He said simply as he started the movie. It was Scott pilgrim vs. The world. I have seen this film many times. "Hey Dan?" He asked quietly. "Yes Phil?" I anwsered sitting up and in front of him. He closed his eyes and leaned in. Without realizing it I leaned in as well. Our lips connected. I could taste a light taste of raspberry on his lips. I wrapped my arms around him as the kiss progressed. When we finally finshed and pulled apart it felt too soon. 'Your Gay Dan' "I'm so sorry please don't leave me too!" Phil blurted out about tears streaming down his face. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer. "I would never leave you Phil. Please be mine?" I asked sincerely. "Yes please." Phil Whispered. I felt a smile creep onto my face. Phil was so kind. I planted a kiss into his soft black hair. Phil rested his head onto my shoulder. Just then we heard the front door slam open. A slurry but scary voice called out, "Phillllllllllllly Boyyyyyyyyyyyy get down herreeeeeeee nowwwww!"

Boom. Word count is 1165. My job is done. I love you all my shippers. *disappears with a fnaf 4 Bonnie costume on with pewdiepie wearing an fnaf 4 Freddy costume*

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