Chapter 8

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A/N: Watch that video at the beginning c: It broke my feels it too adorable. And let's continue the story shall we? c: <3

Chris' POV
"Are we ruining something?" I heard. I jerked up. Dan and Phil were sitting in the pillow fort we had made. I laughed and Pj blushed. "Er no." I said with an tiny smile. "Great what movie are we watching?" Dan asked shuffling a bit to try and get comfortable. "Well Pj my boy what are we watching?" I asked with a chuckle. "Hmmm totoro sound good?" Everyone agreed so he put the film in.

Oh so magical time skip 3:30
Dan's POV
I had ran home after realizing what time it was. I was panting by the time I had gotten to the wooden steps. I slowly made my way up them and let the screen door slam behind me. My father was in the sitting room waiting. "Where have you been Daniel!! It's 3:30! I said be home by 3:00! Also fix your shoulders!!" I quickly straightened my composure and replied, "I was at Pj's house with, Chris, and Phil, watching my neighbor totoro and lost track of time sir." 
His eyes had little flames in them. "You were at someone else's house! And that person is also a weakling!! And he his gay! I will not have a faggot for a son! Are you a queer Daniel?!" He asked with a shriek. I took a shaky breath and looked eyes with him. I decided to stop lying. "Dad I am Gay. I have been since sixth grade and I ignored the fact I was and pretend to be straight. I have a boyfriend now and I love him more than the world," I paused for a second, "And if that is bad I can leave and you won't ever have a son again." I told him calmly.
Face got even more twisted and it turned into a face of disgust. "Get out faggot!" He screamed. "Gladly Mark." I said calling him by his real name. I grabbed my backpack from were I dropped it and walked out the door his creepy, mad eyes staring at me the entire way. As I walked into the warm pavement I debated wether telling Phil or not. 'I could always sleep on a park bench'  I thought. I started for the park.
It was a abandoned park. Nobody came here anymore. I scouted around. ' If it rains I can huddle under the playground equipment.'  I thought and happily worked on setting up a bed for myself on the park bench. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It read 4:30. 'I'll have to get a job. I'm seventeen so I could. And if I get enough money to buy a flat I could have Phil move in!'  I thought excitedly. I googled the London Times and looked at the job openings. I decided to try Tesco cashier. I smiled. I think I could make this work.

A/N: sorry for not updating in forever. I had no inspiration or any idea on where to go from the last chapter. But I'm back. Again. This chapter is dedicated to Magnifacent for inspiring me to come back. Thanks c:

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