Why Have You Stayed Inside

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Back to Rie POV

We walked into the house and I was instantly pulled around. I got dizzy and pulled away trying to find the steadiest thing near me.

"Rie are you okay?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay."

"Come on Rie you should come to my house to get ready for the festival tomorrow," Ino shouted.

I stop and turn to look at her.

"What are you doing here?" I murmured trying not to be rude.

"What do you really think I'm gonna let you stay with him while you get ready tomorrow?"

"I mean, I would rather be in a recognizable environment before venturing into unknown territory," I sigh irritably.

"Makes sense fine but we are going to walk around at the festival for a little bit even if it kills you," she smiles leaving quickly.

I sit down but the door wanting to scream. I rip off my shoes and take Shikamaru's hand. I walk us into the living room, his father left for a mission this morning and her mother was shopping. He looked at me for a long moment and turned on the radio. I jumped up and took his hand again smiling as the music played I spun him around and around till he forced me to just sway to the sound. I pout looking up at him.

"Rie you need to relax the sun was hot and you just woke up like ten minutes ago. What a troublesome woman," he mumbles.

"Oh fine but when I get ready we dance as much as I want to," I protest.

"I kind of agree with Ino you should get ready together but mom wants to help you," he laughs looking down.

"Hmm, Shikamaru do you think Kaeri is a pretty name?" I smile thinking about it.

"Why would you ask that?" he looks at me like I just grew a head.

"I don't know. I mean, if I'm stuck here long enough I want to have kids, you know. And I think that Kaeri is a pretty name I mean what do you think?" I smile.

"Rie, we are still 11 you need to take a deep breath and think about what you're saying. Besides who would marry you," he says putting his hands on my shoulder.

I take a step back shocked. Trying not to make too much of a fuss I go to my room shutting the door and lay on my bed. My anger boiling and drifting into a sleep.

Shikamaru POV switch----

I buried my face in my hands and groaned loudly as I heard the door open. My mom came in and gave me a sideways glance. She smothered a laugh and went into the kitchen. I leaned back in the chair slouching. I walked up the stairs with caution and went toward my room. When I entered my escape I was met with Icy blue eyes.

"What do you want a bothersome girl?" I scoff standing in the doorway.

"Oh, nothing much. I mean really she was hurt when you said such hurtful things to her. Are you trying to protect her?" she finishes in a baby voice.

"Kaeri shut up. what do you really want?" I ask more sternly lazily staring at her.

"He came right the one who disguised himself as your teacher and Rie," she asks serious now.

"Yes, what about it?"

"Someone's going to wake up soon. And someone's going to leave. Rie only has a few more weeks with you Shikamaru don't forget that" She says with poison in her words.

"If that's all please put your body back in her room please I don't want to come with a reason why she's here," I roll my eyes.

"Oh really?" she asks and falls asleep laying on my bed.

I look at her then Rie stretches sitting up rubbing her nap out of her eyes.

"I feel like I wake up more tired than when I went t sleep." she yawns.

"You know you're in my bed right?" I point out.

"What but I could have sworn I was in my bed?"

"Maybe you sleepwalked you did it before right?" I ask sighing.

"Yeah or I hair through your room was mine sorry Shika," she giggles standing up.

She walks over to the door and hugs me. I gently hug her back and she almost trips out the door. I shift quickly catching her quickly before she fell. she smiles nervously back at me and stands back up.

"Sorry seems like I forgot my balance," she laughs rubbing the back of her head.

I nod and move away trying to give her space. She walks down the stairs and I walk down with her. Mom has picked up Rie's favorite snack and made it the desert or tonight. We gather to the table and my mom almost catches me behind the head.

"Shikamaru, can you grab something to drink," she orders.

I nod and grab drinks walking back to the table. Rie is staring off into space so I knock over her empty cup to catch her attention. Before it falls she catches it and looks at me.

"Thanks, Shikamaru," she smiles.

That's pretty much how the night went I had no more run-ins with Kaeri. But she still had me worried about the festival tomorrow.


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