You don't like me do you?

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A shadow cast over me as I sat under the light in the field and I looked up. Ino stood there glaring at me.

"What would you like Ino," I asked pushing my bangs out of my eyes.

"Let's walk home together," she asked.

"Uh, no thank you I prefer that my brothers don't hit on you," I sighed standing up.

"There's no way your brothers would do such a," she began.

"Ino you have never met my family you really don't know what my brothers would do if given the chance," I sighed walking on my way.

"Just drop it Ino you're being really troublesome," Shikamaru groaned.

"Why do you always stick up for her? I mean, what's so great about her? She just comes here out of nowhere just starts acting like she's apart of the village," she managed to wave her hand in my direction ever so enthusiastically.

"Rie, come on I'm not fighting with her today," he sighed.

I got up to go over to him and Ino grabs me by the arm keeping me where I stand, in between her and Shikamaru.

"Ino let go," I said pulling at her arm.

"Leave her alone Ino," he shouted.

I kept trying to pull away but she pulled to forcefully and I couldn't remember what happened after that. When I came to Ino was not hurt but on the floor. I looked at my hands and stood there shaking. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you again," I muttered getting up to stand with him.

"It's nothing. Come on let's get you home you didn't hurt her you just looked at her and pushed her a little," he said trying to reassure me.

I nodded and looked Ino on the ground muttering,"You don't like me very much do you?"

Said nothing as we walked to my home not like I expected Shikamaru to say anything after my episode. I didn't know why I expected anything to be different when I came home though, so I tried to stay with Shikamaru as long as I could. He would listen to me all the time, I liked it.

"Rie are you going to train tomorrow," he asked suddenly.

"I don't see the point you've heard me before right I'm going back there's no place for me here," I scoffed crossing my arms.

"Sure whatever how do you expect to get back to 'your world'," he asked.

"I don't know maybe dying will do it or something like that I just can't see why I need to learn all this can't I learn to become something else until I can go home," I whined pulling on my bangs.

He just rolled his eyes and stopped in front of the door. I took out my key and opened the door. He followed me inside and we stopped I front of the living room. My brother had been wrestling again this time with my cat and sister.

"What are you doing," I growled glaring at him as he had my cat in a headlock and sis had him in a bear hug.

"Nothing," he managed.

"Let go now," I roared intensifying my glare.

He let her go and she made her way over to me.

"Where's dad," I asked rubbing my temple with my hand.




"Why does that not surprise me," I rolled my eyes.

"Rie just go train I'll watch," Shikamaru sighed pushing to the back door.

He opens the door and I walked outside. He locked the door and I stood in my circle and closed my eyes. I winced slightly but pulled out my white feathery wings almost encasing my upper body. I opened them and let them be visible behind me.


(Note from Future Alice: All chapters so far have minor edits. Grammar and spelling fixes, and fixing information. I might consider rewriting this, but then again I still have to finish falling.)

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