In what world did I land in

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The man that had been furiously chasing the boys before smiled softly at me. I cracked a weak smile at him trying not to meet his eyes. One of the boys took me by the hand and we began walking out of the hospital as we walked I saw a lot more people with the headbands on. I was curious as to what they stood for.

"Rie-san, you are going to school with the rest of the kids tomorrow okay," he sighed as we walked toward a large building.

"Really I don't know if that's good since I don't ever remember being here, to begin with," I muttered looking down.

"Well, it will come back to you eventually," groaned the grumpy blond.

"Don't get mad at me because you got punished," I snapped sticking my tongue out at him.

As we walked through the town I got some really weird looks. I frowned slightly as we made our way to a big house. I looked at it. It had wings on the door as the family crest and it made me shudder. The man leading the way handed me a key and smiled.

"Rie this is your home and don't worry everything will come back to you as long as you try," he smiled.

"Thank you Iruka sensei," I said like a reflex.

"Bye, Rie-chan," Naruto smiled walking away.

I opened the door and walked in and took off my shoes. I set them in a box with my name and walked around slowly. I felt something soft at my feet and saw a cat nuzzling its face to my leg. I pet it and smiled picking it up in my hands. Looking around the house I found what seemed to be the kitchen then made my way to the halls. This house was really big!

"Nyan," mewed the kitten following me.

I pet her and sighed," what is it? I don't know what I'm doing here."

I kneeled down to her and she scratched at the back of my shirt. I stuck my hand through the back of the sleeve and brushed my fingers around something soft. I froze, they were feathers. I panicked and tried to see if I could grip it or something. I pulled and almost yelled in pain and I hear the skin oozing back to its original form. I sat on the floor with the cat. She nuzzled my stomach and I could almost see her smile.

"You probably have nothing to say," I muttered picking her up again and walking through the hall.

I came across many doors one had small handprints all over it and a sign with my name carved in crudely. I put the cat down and reached to open it almost being pushed down by how heavy the door was. I opened the knob and pushed with all my might and fell face first. I tried not to cry and walked into the room that resembled my own a daybed with boxes under shoved into a corner, stuffed toys covering the other corner of the room, and a desk too big for me now next to the bed. I walked back out and looked around the house. I wanted to cry I'm about five years old in a huge house by myself because according to some old guy my family is dead.

Then as I sat in the middle of a cross hall I heard a door slam. I jumped and the cat in my hands kind of scared to. I quickly looked for a place to hide. I thought for a moment I had another older brother and dad before stuff happened with my mom. Keeping to my place I heard footsteps approaching my location. I trembled but I stayed hidden.

"Rieka, where are you," someone asked.

I clutched onto the door tightly and resisted to urge to see who it was. There were three pairs of footsteps coming around the door. My hair was covering my eyes now trying to hide then the door moved. I scrambled around to hide in the room. I managed to fit myself under the bed and calmed my breathing so no one could hear it.

"Whiner where are you come out where ever you are," a female yelled.

"Don't call her that I do that," the voice from before argued.

I curled up tighter and kept my breathing shallow.

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