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"Crystal!" Mia screams at the top of her lungs as she sees Crystal climbing the stairs to go to her room.

"Stop right there or get out of this house right away." Mia threatens when Crystal doesn't give her a damn and continue climbing the stairs.

When Crystal hears those words her legs halts and she turns around to face her so call mother who is fuming in rage. Mia gives a harsh glare to Crystal and tries to calm down her erratic breathing.

"Ok." Crystal mouths with a nod of her head while giving a beautiful smile and takes out the store keys from her jacket's pocket.

She then climbs down the half of the stairs and walks towards the woman who had given birth to her. Crystal's face shows nothing more than happiness of being free from the cage that had kept her captive and looking at her calm and gleeful face, Mia and Cecilia gape in surprise.

'Why is she not begging for forgiveness? Shouldn't she apologize to her?' Thinks Cecilia in her mind and her nails digs into her palm in anger.

How come Crystal be happy when her own mother is throwing her out? Where can she go when the whole town feel disgusted due to her inability to speak?

Even though she has a beautiful face, being a mute is a greatest disadvantage to her. So, how can she be happy when she is the cause of her heartache?

If Crystal hadn't gone to that audition then her love, brother Luca might have been healthy and she could have profess her love to him. She and brother Luca might have gotten married and spend the rest of the years he had have.

But no.

All those things went downhill because of Crystal. Crystal had made her love suffer and snatched the happiness she might have got. Also, her mom wouldn't have send her miles away from brother Luca and she might have a chance to be close with him.

Everything has gone bad. And the one at fault is Crystal. If she, Cecilia cannot be happy then Crystal, the unloved child do not have right to be happy. She must suffer the pain and heartache she has gone through and never ever be free from her past.

Cecilia thinks bad of Crystal and never wants Crystal to get away from this town. So, how can she stay quiet when Crystal is going away?

"No." Cecilia yells getting the attention of the two other women and hides the malice that was present in her face.

"Aunt. Crystal has no one other than you guys and she is your own child. How can you throw her out when it is about to get dark? What will the neighbors says when they se-" Cecilia words gets cut off as Crystal shows her mobile screen in her face.

As Cecilia sees the words 'Don't interfere in our family matters.', her face contorted and she looks down on the floor to stop herself from strangling Crystal.

"Hey! You insolent child." Mia shouts grabbing the mobile from Crystal's hand and reads the word out loud.

"How dare you! Get out this instance. Don't show me your disgusting face again." Mia yells looking extremely infuriated and points her finger towards the door.

With a glance at Cecilia who is about to speak, Crystal walks towards Mia and stops near her. She snatches the mobile which she had bought from the money she had earned working in the store and walks away placing the keys on the side table which is beside the sofa.

"STOP." An intimidating angry voice booms which almost shakes the house and Crystal hurries on her steps.

If she stays here tonight then she will never be able to run away and her life will be more difficult. She is not a child anymore and is full fledged legal enough to take her own decision.

"Crystal Lilly! Stop right there otherwise be ready to face the consequences." Her father in name yells at the top of his lungs shredding his dignified form and she opens the door to the place which had sheltered her for past 19 years.

But no more. This house was never hers and even though she had tried hard to make it hers, it could never be hers. She has to look out for a new one or rather make her own safe heaven, which will accept her for who she is and not condemn her for her flaws.

As the door opens all the past memories of suffering come flashing in front of her eyes and she knows that she doesn't hate her parents but rather hate their thoughts. She has tolerate their bitter words for years but now she wants to be selfish and live her life on her own conditions.


Holding the door knob she turns around and face the people she has spends her early life. Bruce, Mia and Cecilia stands still as they sees Crystal, the mute girl biding them goodbye with the shake of her hand and they remain rooted on their spot.

Bruce and Mia are shock to see their daughter to whom they held no affection being bold enough to defy them and other than confusion and anger they feel no other feelings.

'She will come back later.' They both has this thought and relaxes seeing her rebelling action.


The front door closes behind Crystal and a sigh comes out of her mouth. She had tried to imagine this scene countless of time and now she has finally done it.

She is free from now onwards and once the Christmas ends she will move away from this town. She has some savings which is enough to get her to the city and if he didn't come this year then she will visit next year.

If not next year then the next year of the next year. She has waited for 5 years and she can wait till her last breath. She just hopes that he still remembers his promise.

And in somewhere else in the earth, the surving soldiers yelps with a longing of meeting their families in the flying aircraft.

Five years.

They have been away from their dear ones for five freaking years and now they can finally meet them.

In those years, they have lost many of their comrades and had grief for them. And now they feel immensely lucky to go back to their own country. They will have six months leave and can spent it without reporting back to their workplace.

"Christmas is approaching. Before going home I have to buy gifts for my family." One of the soldier says with a happy smile and others too begins to talk about their plans.

"You going back home?" The one who is call Noah asks the friend sitting beside him.

"Nah. Will have to train the new recruit." Says the one who is being ask.

"You shouldn't tire yourself. Your injury has not heal yet." Noah says in a displease voice.

"I can recuperate in the dorm. Don't want to go the empty home." Comes the reply from the same man.

"Aaron. Go and meet her. You might get a chance at love." Noah smirks with a teasing look and stops when he sees Aaron's frowning face.

"Hey! Don't tell me you forget about that little girl you had save." Noah shakes his head with a disapproving look.

"Also, you had done the pinky promise." Noah continues getting everyone attention.

"Yes. Captain, you should not break the girl's heart." The whole team choruses without knowing the whole story.

And the man in question remains silent with a deep look. When his subordinates sees their silent Captain, they quieten down and continue their own talks.

But the happy atmosphere does not last for long as the pilot flying the aircraft cries shouting "We are under attack." through the intercom.

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