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"Finally home." Aunt Mary beams with a smile as the car comes to the halt and Crystals turns her head towards her with a smile plastered on her face.


It's the first time Crystal has felt a feeling of being in the house and that feeling makes her gleam in happiness. Even having her biological parents living in the earth, she feels warm surrounded by the total strangers. 

The care of Aunt Mary, even though being assigned through paying; makes her feels exceptionally close rather than the time when she was living under her dad's shelter. The new place had surged up an unknown fear making it hard to accept the reality but this place has made her to start a new phase of life.

She had never thought that her long wait for the 5 years would be worth the pain and agony she had to withstand. There is a saying that  "patient is virtue"; and it sure is for giving her the chance to start anew. 

"Yeah, you're home. I wonder when I would be fortunate enough to visit my family back home." Liam speaks out with a sad expression etch on his face and Crystal halts on her way to getting off the car.

Aunt Mary too pauses while carrying her grocery bags and sighs with a shake off her head. A minute later, Crystal jumps down the car with tight lip and pats on Liam's shoulder as if appreciating his hard work for protecting the country while not being able to get in touch with his love ones.

Nobody can do anything to change the circumstances as being a soldier means country comes first then the other things. And each and every soldier has spend their military career in this best let it be the ancient soldier or the modern elite force. 

"Hey! I am going cook dinner for Willy. You come and join us at 7." Aunt Mary says with a raise of her eyes in anticipation.  

"Really?!" Liam exclaims with a goofy smile plaster on his face without the trace of the sadness that had occurred a minute ago.

 "You too Crystal, come and join us." Aunt Mary says with I'm-not-taking-no-for-an-answer and Crystal nods her like a good girl.

"Aunt Mary, let me help." Liam with the promise of having the home cook food, becomes energetic and bends down to carry the grocery bags from her and walks towards Mary's home giving I-am-going look to Crystal and Aunt Mary.

"Liam stop. I have a key on me." Aunt Mary shouts but the daydreaming young soldier has already disappear from the field of their vision.

"Aunt Mary, y-ou go..." Crystal tries to speak out and Mary nods her head in understanding.

"Okay. You go back slowly." She says with a look of concern and they parts ways. 

With a last look a Crystal, Aunt Mary walks away in the opposite side and Crystal walks along the pathway which takes her to the two stories home after 5 minutes walk. As she reaches the door, she takes out a bunch of key from her pants pocket and when she touches the door handle, the door opens, making her startle. 

Looking bewilder and thinking that she might have forgotten to lock the door, she enters inside the home and inhales a deep breath. She changes her shoes and walks along the hallway. Roaming her eyes around the house, she tells herself that what she is seeing is the absolute reality. 

Divulging in her thoughts, she reaches the end of the living room where she sees spots the round stool which she hadn't had time to put it away and dropping the keys and placing her mobile at the side table, she puts all her energy on picking up the stool.

In a go, she carries the slightly heavy round stool and walks towards the stairs at the left side without stopping on her tracks. Her eyes clue on the round stool she is carrying that she stumbles as she reaches near the stairs and the stool drops down on the floor.

The impending noise does not comes but a man howls out in pain follow by a woman's shrike and the round stool rolls down on the carpet clad floor. 

"Oww..." Aaron hiss as the stool hit his toe and the black towel drops down on the floor.

"Ahhh...." Crystal lets out a weak scream as her eyes stuck on his lower part and she hurriedly looks away. 

The two sounds collides one after another interrupting the peaceful environment. 

"Sorry." She apologies as she sees the stool from the corner of her eyes. 

"You can speak?" Aaron asks with a look of surprise and a little bit of happiness which cannot be seen in his cold face. 

"Y-yes." Crystal stammers with a flush face and she slowly looks back at him but turns the next second.

Looking at her action, Aaron realizes that his towel has drooped on the floor and he is wearing a  boxer. Usually he only walks around wearing the loose boxer and out of habit he wears it forgetting about the female partner he has take in. 

"I will come back in a minute." He says and climbs up the stairs after picking up the black towel.

Hearing the sounding of Aaron departure, Crystal cups her cheeks and Aaron's chiseled and sexy body flashes on her mind along with the not so prominent male part of him. Its the second time she has seen his almost naked body and her heartbeat accelerates making her feel hot. 

His male hormone makes her deep rooted crush on him amplify and recalling how she had scream a while ago makes her feel embarrass. Patting her cheeks and getting out of the daydream, she picks up the stool and places it near the place it had fallen down. 

She walks to the small cupboard and takes out the first aid kit and open it after sitting down on the sofa. She motion Aaron, who is wearing a black tee pair with black shorts, to sit down next to her and squeezes the medicine to apply on his wound but a big hand take it away from her.

A tingling sensation startles them as their hand touches and they both pauses looking at each other.

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