4. Merry Christmas

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Two days passes by and the day which Crystal has been waiting finally arrives. The town bustles with the Christmas vibe and every house has decorated their Christmas tree.

Yesterday, the towns people had celebrated the Christmas eve party in the gathering hall and almost all of the elderly people from each families were present except for the youngsters who had setup their own little party in the Mayors home.

Everyone had looked happy and had a great time with their friends and family, except for the mute girl, Crystal Lilly who now has a new tag of being abandon by her own parents.

It took 2 hours to spread the news of Crystal being rebellious and got thrown out of the house in the whole town. Being the small town almost every residents knows other residents and the gossiping aunts made the news travel faster.

Those people takes more interest in other people's household rather than their own and Crystal's neighbors had seen her getting out of her house in the dawn giving them the gossip to talk about in their dinner room.

When the towns people heard the news of her being rebellious, many tagged her as insolent child and few people only supported her.

Among her supporters, Hailey was the one who took Crystal to her house and let her stay for the two nights. Hailey is a 24 years old widower who has lost her husband and the only daughter in the car accident three years ago and she has been living alone since then.

Her parents had tried to take her to their home but she insisted on staying in her late husband's house and had opened the Cafe in the ground floor to pass the time.

Her house is in front of the Smith families store and while ordering the morning coffee and snacks they had became acquainted.

Hailey is one of the few among the towns people who had tried to talk with Crystal and had not feel disgusted with her inability to speak. She treats her nicely and that night Hailey pursuaed her to accept her offer if Crystal considers her as a friend.

When the friendship comes at stake, Crystal accepted her offer and stayed at Hailey's while helping her in the Cafe. The Mayor had contracted the Cafe to prepare snacks and sweets for the Christmas eve party which made Crystal to attend that party.

There, her haters scorned at her and shamed her while calling names. But she didn't let those evil people ruin her night and together with Hailey and few other girls who were polite, she celebrated the Christmas eve party.

And she was dreading to meet her father and hear his harsh words but it never came. Bruce and Mia did not attend the party neither did Cecilia.

When she was going to the restroom, she heard some aunts gossiping about her parents and found that aunt Rina, their next door neighbor scolded her parents for being harsh at their own blood.

Aunt Rina condemned her parents for being selfish and black heated people. She also indirectly scolded Cecilia for causing disputes and made her to run home while crying.

"Hey! Turn off the machine." Hailey shouts as she sees Crystal zoning out.

The sudden interruption causes Crystal to look down at the things on her hand and she comes back to reality. She hurriedly turnoff the mixer and took out the ingredients inside it.

"Sorry." She types on her mobile after fishing it out from her apron's pocket and shows it to Hailey who is looking at her.

"It's alright. What's troubling you?" Hailey asks after failing to make out Crystal's thought.

"You should go and wait for him. You also have to catch the bus." Hailey takes off the apron from Crystal's body and pushes her towards the door.

"Thank you. And once again Merry Christmas to my dear friend." Crystal types those words and shows it to Hailey with a grateful smile.

"Merry Christmas my young friend. " Hailey wishes back while beaming in happiness.

Then with a last hug, Crystal walks out of the Cafe which had sheltered her for two nights. She will forever remain indebted to Hailey and will keep in touch even if she goes to the city.

Today in the early morning, someone had left a bag containing her clothes, documents and some cash near the Cafés door and it's none other than Bruce, her father.

She did not get to meet him but read the message receive on her mobile which says only two words: take care. Finally, she gets a positive response from her father and she message back typing: Meery Christmas and take good care of mother and brother Luca.

It is 1 pm in the afternoon and people are busy visiting each other homes while wishing Merry Christmas. Only, the mute and the abandoned girl, Crystal Lilly walks to the bus station where few buses commutes during this time while carrying a travel bag.

It was in the bus station she had met Aaron, her savior who had save her by taking the bullet for her. If not for him then she might have lost her life that night and might have been spare from her parents accusations.

That day she had missed the bus to the town where the audition was being held and was waiting for the another bus which did not come even though it was 6 pm.

And she was about to go back to her home when two local ruffians came running towards her and one pointed the gun at her when people came after them.

There was 4 days left before for the Christmas and the bus station had hardly any passengers so Crystal became the bargain chip. The ruffians seemed to be high on drugs and the one pointing gun at her, warned the three men who had came behind him to run away else he would shoot her.

But the three men remain rotted to their place and tried to distract the ruffian. The fluorescent light from the lamppost gave out the clear vision and the fifteen years old Crystal got mesmerized by the heroic aura of then 18 years old Aaron Knight.

That faithful night, Crystal felt a warmth that she hadn't had since her birth and the mere encounter with the young man sprouts the eagerness to live even if her dream was scattered.

After taking the bullet on his chest, Aaron save her from death but the other ruffian stabbed Crystal's throat causing her to almost stop breathing.

But somehow Aaron took her to the hospital in time and she grabbed his hand when he was about to walk away as his friend call him then he pinky promise her to meet again while understanding her unspoken words.

She did not know why she had held his hand but his promise became the hope for her to live. He had not said where to meet but for the past 5 years she had waited in the bus station looking out for him.

Fortunately, her vocal chords was not damaged and she could speak after resting for few months but her parents and Cecilia's bitter words kept her from speaking.

She vow to remain mute and did not took proper medication nor visited the hospital. She herself do not know if she can speak or utter a sound.

Crystal halts in front of the bench where she had sat that night and sits down looking at the surrounding. Time passes and the day turns into night still he is nowhere to be seen.

With a disappointing face, Crystal rises her leg to step inside the last bus for the city when suddenly someone shouts "Merry Christmas."

The shouts stimulates her and "Aa.." she makes that sound while turning around in anticipation.

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