9. Mute Girl

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"You have eaten?" Crystal slowly speaks getting rid of those sad thoughts and smiles brightly looking at Aaron, while Aaron patiently waits for her finish off the sentence.

"Nope." He replies rubbing his stomach through the t-shirt and suddenly feels hungry carving for something delicious.

"Oh! You wait. I will make you mac and cheese." Crystal says with I-will-be-fast look and dashes towards the kitchen while carrying the first-aid box on her hand.

She then walks to her to room to change her dress as it reeks of hospital and goes back to the kitchen. 

Aaron looks at her disappearing back and the corner of his lips raises without his awareness. Subconsciously, he inhales the fading scent of Crystal's which surprises him and glances around the living area.

Usually, he sleeps on the dorm rather than coming to this empty house but in those three months he has become a frequent visitor. Being a soldier has made him have not so many preference about food, lodging and clothes and he would mostly wear the military uniform or roam half-naked in this house but the addition of the another person has changes a lot of things.

His routines would be coming back from the mission, taking a long shower, changing into a military clothes and going to the canteen to have food but now he is waiting for someone to serve him food. After taking in the new changes of some things, he walks towards the kitchen with the thought of helping her.

Inside the kitchen, Crystal was rising the green onions in the sink and does not become aware of Aaron presence until he cough to get her attention. She was cleaning the each green onion so engrossedly that she startles as she hears the sound and turns around to look at Aaron with a questioning look.

"How can I help you?" He asks not seeing anything on the stove. 

 She has told to make mac and cheese and she has not boil the water for the macaroni. 

"Ah..we are out of macaroni. So, I am going to make noodles. You okay with that?" She takes a while to complete the whole sentence and Aaron patiently waits for her to finish off the sentence.

"Yes." He says walking towards the cabinet and takes out a pot.

"I will cook. You go back and wait for it." Crystal says putting the washed green onions on the chopping board and hurriedly runs towards Aaron grabbing the pot from his hand.

In doing so, her hand brush against his and a tingling sensation spreads on both of their bodies which makes them to look at each other with a look of surprise. The strange sensation takes them off guard and both couldn't understand the weird feeling for the time being.

As they take in the shocked expression of each other, they both suspects that the both of them have experience that odd feelings which feels strange but not disgusting. Suddenly, large calloused hand grabs her hand holding the pot which makes Crystal to come back to reality and as if electrocuted she shakes it off and dashes towards the sink with blushed face.


Crystal shouts at her inner self for being distracted and fills the pot with the tap water while perking her ears up to listen to the movement behind her but to her disappointment she hears nothing. After the water is fill till the required amount she closes the tap and waits holding the pot while paying attention to any sound that will enter her ears.

"Aren't you going to cook?" Finally a voice sounds but the words are not what she has wanted to hear. 

"Uh.." She turns around not daring to meet his gaze and trails off not knowing what to say.

"I'm hungry." Aaron continues making her realize that she has task on hand and once again scolding herself, which she is tends to a lot these days, places the pot on the top of the stove and start the fire. 

As she finishes turning on the stove, she sees Aaron chopping up the green onions and her eyes follows the movement of his hand while she get amaze by the long, slightly thick fingers. Those hands holds military weapon in the battel field and now it is holding a knife which doesn't seem unpleasant rather it looks fascinating.

"Aaron." Crystal calls and stops beside him.

"I will cook." She tries to emphasize on the word cook and stops his by holding his arm.

Feeling the soft touch on his arm, Aaron stops his movement which gives chance to Crystal to take away the knife from his hand. She has already taken out all available veggies that she thinks could be added and places the chopped green onions on the plate which is pass by Aaron.

One picks up the veggie and another cuts off the veggies in the small cubes. They work in harmony like they have been together for years without speaking a word. With Aaron's help the veggies are cut faster and Crystal breaks downs the noodles which is taken out by Aaron into the boiling water and heats the pan on the stove. After frying the veggie and draining the noodle, she fry it with the veggie in the pan and Aaron makes the scrambled egg. 

"Smells delicious." Aaron says inhaling the scent wafted out of the pan and Crystal smiles hearing his compliment.

"Let's eat." Crystal says once she finishes plating the noodles and both of them seats down on the dinning chair, then eats the noodles in silence. 

The silence doesn't make them feel awkward rather a peaceful feeling surrounds them, like the two of them are a warm and happy family. Crystal doesn't have much appetite so Aaron eats more and he actively do the dishes. 

Crystal takes rest in her room and then she remembers that Aunt Mary has call her for dinner but now Aaron is back, so she calls her and declines her but Aunt Mary asks her to come along with Aaron. 

After changing into a beautiful summer gown, she walks down to the living area and informs Aaron who is using his mobile phone. Then she walks out heading towards Aunt Mary house to help her prepare dinner not forgetting to bring a potted plant as not to seem rude. 

She has been living here for  3 months now and the number of times she goes out alone can be counted using a single hand but fortunately, she has got a good memory. It is near to evening so children are playing on the ground which she needs to pass by to go to Aunt Mary home when a child mocking voice sounds in the surrounding followed by the other kids making her halt on her steps. 

"Hey, mute girl." 

"Mute girl!"

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