is it the end?

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Her heart thumping out loudly,wanting to stop all this that was going on.unable to accept the present she raised her head and pinched herself lightly just to confirm that she's not dreaming.

"Finally you're married dear,now take good care of your in-laws" a lady in her early 60's congratulated the bride.
Reality dawns upon her and all she can do is to murmur a thankyou.

She wanted answers to her thousands of questions.her eyes landed on her mother who was greeting the guests and her father who was chit-chatting with the others.anger gushed in her and she quickly bended her head downwards


"So,what are your plan about future?"her father asked curiously
"I bet she will become a lawyer.the way this girl argue it leaves everyone speechless" her mother replied playfully
"Mom....just because I can argue doesn't mean it'll become my profession" she chuckled
"Do you want to be an engineer by any chance?" her elder brother asked this time
"So that we'll have two jobless person in the house? no thankyou" her elder sister replied
"Will you all listen to me at once?"she continued
"Thankyou for your not so amazing ideas but I already planned my future and I really want to become a CEO" she said proudly.
"A ceo?really?" Her mom asked again
"Dude now I know where you got this influence from" her sister interrupted
"Where from?" Her brother asked
"This is all because of that chinese and korean drama.if that wasn't enough that imaginary books got her back.she really got inspired from them" her sister started laughing out loudly as she thought that this a mere joke.
"I wanted to become this since childhood sista.and don't you dare to bring my dramas in this"she said sternly
"Listen my Child,if this is really your dream then no one's gonna stop you,but it'll take a lot of hard as well as smart work to become one" her father said
"Dad,I am ready to lose everything for this" she replied

End of flashback

"You're looking so beautiful"her mother-in-law appeared in front of her with a not so heartwarming smile
"Thanks" she replied coldly.
"Wait till we get home"
She already knew what's gonna happen next.but she was still not ready to accept any kind of new relation.she prevented her tears and gulped.

She was surely exaggerating.why won't she? It's not like she's getting married to the love of  her life.hell! She doesn't even know who he is and how does he looks all she knows is his name which her parents informed her few days before her marriage

Is it the end of her career?or her life?


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