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  "WHERE IS MY WIFE?" I  yelled so hard that every person flinched listening to his voice

I  ran through the crowd,pushing everyone that was coming in his way.

""I  gritted my teeth while asking his mom
She signalled me towards the sofa where nishtha was lying unconscious

I sprinted towards her and saw her laying there on the sofa.

"I Called The doctor " vivaan said as I was still processing whatever was happening
I sat on the sofa and pulled her closer To me.placing her hand on my lap I started rubbing her hands.

A hurricane of anger and disappointment ran through me.Anger for whoever did this to you and disappointment for why did I left her alone.even it was just for few minutes and I didn't knew a disaster like this will happen.just how much god is going to test me?
And when this all will end?
I don't have the courage to lose thoughts stopped the moment doctor entered inside the room.

After some time the doctor left telling that nothing serious happened to her except the wounds.

I slowly got up,carried her in my arms and went towards our parents were shooting daggers at me and I exactly know why.but this time each and every one of them have crossed their limits.there's no chance for the person who did this to her will be able to sunrise tomorrow but before that I have to make sure my wife is okay

Placing her carefully,I made her wear the seat belt and closed the door of the car. without thinking anything I turned on the engine and started driving.

In between,nishtha kept murmuring something and again goes back to sleep.I stopped the car in front of my destination and my heart was practically bleeding at the situation now.

"Never thought I would bring you here like this" I told her although She was still sleeping.tears started forming in my eyes and I wanted to pour my heart out to her.I want to tell her everything that had happened and was soon as I noticed a slight movement from her,I quickly wiped off my tears

I cleared my throat and stepped out of the car,taking her in my arms.

It was late in the night when I heard someone crying.I tilted my head and saw nishtha crying in her sleep.

"Nish?what happened?" I said and patted her cheeks to wake her up

"S-she will kill me.they all are going to kill me.please save me" She screamed and clunged onto me

"Hey,look at me" I said while caressing her back and rocking her back and forth while she's been on my lap

She kept crying and I kept assuring her. after some time she was relaxed a bit

"No one's going to even touch you nishtha I promise. You're not alone anymore " I said while wiping off her tears and somehow that calmed her down

"Tia did this to You right?" I asked and she went silent for a moment.

"She's learning her lesson right now Don't worry" I said and she was still quiet

"You can pour your heart out nishtha,if you want to scream,just scream your lungs out.if You want to cry,cry out loud enough.if you wanna rant, rant everything you'll have me right beside you in anything You want" I whispered to her

"I-i was in fifth standard when she first bullied me infront of my became her habit and my torture.I wasn't bold enough to stand up for myself but one day she stopped all this and she went somewhere else to thise years I surely became bold enough but not enough to face her maybe.this time,this situation, this circumstances this all keeps breaking me reyansh" she cried loudly while hugging me tightly

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