missing each other

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This chp is dedicated to @bunnyh Pixieberry__  @Yashisingh839
Thanks for voting :)

Author's pov:

                   Age- 21

"Reyansh,how can you do that"she cried on phone while talking with him

" oye padosan,stop crying. I'm still here"he tried to lighten up the situation but it was all in vain.she cried more.
The reason why she was crying immensely because it was the time for him to leave the city and shift to another one because he has to pursue his higher education.

Five years of them being in a relationship, made them inseparable, yearn for each other more.it was blissful, peaceful and sometimes dramatic. But at the end of the day,they makeup it up with each other no matter what.in these years there relation has grew more stronger and mature.they complete each other.

"Okay,listen.let's sneak out tonight" it was his last night and he willeave early in the morning.somehow,he wanted to spend the remaining time with her.just her

"Yeah" she sniffed and declined the call.she was sad.extremely sad.she became so habituated to him that her heart ached When she got to know that he's going to another city. She realized that in future if he ever leave her, he will take the part of her which belonged to him.only him.she won't be able to love no other man like she did to him.heck,even the thought of leaving him makes her whole body shiver. she prayed to lord to protect their relation from evil eyes.but little did she know what was waiting for her

                    Time-12:45 am

It was complete silence and darkness in both of theirs house except those two who were planning to sneak out of their house secretly.nishtha silently opened the door of her room and saw no one was in sight.she then tiptoed to the main entrance and slowly opened the gate of their mansion. she took a quick glance on the road Just to be aware from the neighbors eyes too and luckily no one was there.Just then she felt someone holding her hand.she smiled and turned around.it was reyansh,she recognizes him just by the way he touches her.

"I'm scared reyansh,what if our family finds out" she said nervously

"Nish,when You're with me you just enjoy. leave the scary and anxious part to me okay? Aur rahi baat ghar walo ki to unhe kabhi na kabhi ye maloom padega hi.so don't worry" he pulled her cheeks

"I'm hungry reyansh let's eat something "

"Itna dimaag to khaya hai,pet Nahi bhara?" He asked teasing her and she was ready to go back to her home.but before that he wrapped his hands around her from behind and chuckled lightly

"Accha,sorry ab nahi pareshan karunga" he said but she again started crying when she realized that he actually won't do that
There will be mornings without looking at each other from the terrace.afternoons without spending time in college,evenings without them,bantering and teasing each other.nights,without spending their lovey dovey time in the backyard of her house

"I'm sorry nish.I can't do anything but to accept this fate.I have to work hard for us. for our future and for our kids too" he said play fully

"But I  promise I will make you my wife as soon as I will return.I take you away from here and then you will be mine forever" he pecked her lips

"It's just for two years nishi,I have enough memories of us to overcome those years.
Just remember that You're the beat to my heart and you fucking own me.I can't spare a minute without thinking about you."

She smiled and wrapped her hands around his neck

"Hmmm,but what if I forget you When you'll be gone?" She asked

"Doesn't matter,You're still mine.I will fight the whole world,Even with the fate if it tries to take you away from me.in the end you will be mine. mine alone" he nudged his nose with hers.

She quickly put her lips on his and started pulling him more close to her.as he reciprocated the same.they were lost in each other's presence and touch.she then placed her lips on his neck and started biting him.

"If you kiss my neck I am not responsible for what happens next " he groane

Minutes passed by and slowly their moments heated up.she took his hands and placed it on her chest making him shiver .

He slowly pressed against the fabric and she slightly moaned.her hands now went inside his shirt and both of them closed their eyes at the intense proximity
She traced her fingers on his well built abs and he groaned slightly

"Nishtha,my love. As much as I am dying to do it. I also want our first time after our marriage" he said inhaling her scent on her neck

"But why?" She whimpered

"Because I don't think I will be able to leave You Even for a second after it.let alone two years.I want it to be memorable, not just a goodbye thing"

"I understand, I love you so much" she said packing his lips again

"Say those words,reyansh" she said

"I'm yours forever" he smiled and engulfed her in a tight hug again

3 months later:

Three months flew away in an instant.it was filled with complications, love and sadness.but today,it was a happy day for nishtha.she was happy because it was his birthday tomorrow,and She was planning to visit him.there wasn't a single day Where they didn't face timed or talked to each other.they kept updating about their daily routine.nishtha feared that long distance won't work for them as they used to live right beside each other.but she trusted him and he assured that nothing is going to separate them amd here they are

Currently,it was 12 in the Afternoon and she was driving her car,on her way to meet him.She lied to her parents that it's a girls night out and they agreed.means She can be home even in the morning.
After few hours she was standing infront of his university and her heart was thumping loudly.it was the longest since they saw each other and she was being nervous

She kept walking and suddenly her eyes fell on him.She was about to jump on him when she saw that

He was talking to a girl.

A very beautiful girl.

Reyansh,a betrayer?

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