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This chapter is dedicated to-


Nishtha's pov:

"Reyansh" I screamed when I got no response from him

"Please say something,please" I whispered on the phone,hoping It's not what it seems to me

Suddenly, the door opened and I looked behind  to see reyansh standing on the door.his breathing was fast,means he came here running

Just as I saw him I sprinted towards him and almost jumped on him and took him and wrapped my hand around his neck.
He pulled me towards himself by my waist and and dugged his head in my neck.

"Reyansh,how can all this possible"
My words were having no meaning but I wanted answers to numerous questions and I don't know where to start

"I told you i will not give up until it will be right again. And here we are Nishtha" he said cupping my cheeks and caressing them

"we are together reyansh" I said and him tightly

"We are meant to be together nishtha " he kissed near my lips and my soul yearned for more

We both took a deep glance at each other as heart was filled with contentment and love.he held my cheeks with both of his hand and crashed his lips upon mine.
It happened
Our heart was pounding in our chest he can feel mine and I can feel his
But after so much of tests amd sacrifice we made it
More like he made it
I am proud of my man beyond anything
He thrusted his tongue more into me and I let him. Five minutes went by and we were still kissing the life out of each other.none of us was ready to stop.
But When I felt the urgency to breathe
he groaned when I broke the kiss.
We were panting badly. We look at each other and I can't took my eyes off him
He again pulled me in a hug and wrapped his hands tightly.

"But how did you find me? I remember after my accident my family just told me that I had a memory loss but It's nothing to worry about.none of them uttered a word about you.and somehow I believed them when they said nothing special happened in all that years"

"Shhhh...I will tell you everything but let's have dinner first okay?"

"No I want to know what happened after my accident"

"Nishtha,you had put enough stress and pressure on your brain and your doctor told me to put you away from any kind of pressure"

"You jerk" I hit him on his shoulder and he gasped dramatically

"Why were you behaving like a stranger to me all this time?" I asked angrily

"Arey, I just told you the reason just now. I was protecting you.i was by your side all the time and  look at you,started violence on your poor husband " he mimicked

"Reyansh....that girl.a girl came today and she asked me how I am still alive

" ritika.she is ritika,my colleague remember?"

Now that I know everything her face splashed infront of me again and I realised she was the same girl who was proposing him When I went to surprise him

It was a good thing that she was here or else I wouldn't have got back my memories back

Soon,we went inside our room and he removed his eyes went wide watching his shirt less.his well built body was enough to ingnite fire on my insides

In our long relationship we didn't go overboard in intimacy.we were very young when we fell in love and we respected each others decision

I still can't believe I'm now the wife of the love of my stomach got uncountable butterflies just at the thought of it

He was busy taking out his clothes.I.went behind him and hugged him tightly.his bare back touched my clothed breast and I felt his breath hitched

I ran my hand sensually on his well built abs and slowly he threw his head back.

I started kissing his back and sucked it slowly,taking my time.
He pulled me forward in a swift and I was pinned to the wall in a second

He started biting my neck like a hungry and I threaded my finger into his hair

I was so lost into the pleasure that he was giving me until I felt cold suddenly

I opened my eyes and gasped as I saw my clothes has been torned by him

I gasped looking at him and he was smirking

I was about to say something to him but then we heard the doorbell ringing

Who could it be at this hour?

"Uhh- ahem! Y-you change,i'll see who is it" he went blushing away

Few minutes later I changed into new pair of dress and went downstairs to see that

My in-laws were back

My mother-in-law was drinking water, while father-in-law was busy removing his shoes and nidhi, Reyansh's sister was into her phone

Just as I went infront of them,I joined my hands and greeted them

"Mom" reyansh said and his mother's attention was on him

"Nishtha's memory came back" he said and the whole family's eyes were on me

His mother stood up and started coming towards me
She stopped right infront of me

She pulled me in a hug

Wait what?

"I am happy that your memories are back finally" she said

"I told you I don't have any grudges against you.but my son suffered a lot at a very young age from your family just because of you.That's why I was behaving like that on your first day of marriage,but beta I felt guilty about it and I apologize for that.
you know they tried their best to make sure we go bankrupt.they even-" she continued but was stopped when reyansh came

"Mom,enough" he said and placed his hand around my waist

"I'm s-sorry you all have to suffer because of me.I will make sure no one will trouble  uhh, aunty" I said stuttering

"I am not your aunty" she said looking dangerously at me

"Call me mom" she said and laughed

"Welcome back bhabhi,I am sorry too.It's just we all love bhai very much" nidhi said

"It's okay,really" I smiled

"I am happy for you both" his dad said and patted our heads.we both took blessings from him

"Okay,It's very late let's just go to sleep now" my MIL said and we nodded

We stepped inside our room and curiosity rose in me

"Reyansh,atleast tell me the reason why they agreed on this marriage" I held his hand and he stopped at his track

"Ohh that,it's simple.
I threatened to kill them" he grinned and walked away.

Did you guys like the update?

And yeah I changed the whole plot just for you enjoy:)

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