the hit

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"Nishtha i'm going out of town for business purpose i'll return in a week"
"What about me?"she asked hoping that he'll take me along.
"Don't you have to continue your studies?"he asked.nishtha went quite for few minutes as the flashback again went through her mind

" mom,atleast allow me to continue my studies."she said with alot of hopes in her eyes,thinking that her mother will surely understand her
" girl shut the fuck up you think i'm going to support you after all what you did huh?"her words came out harshly breaking the girl in front of her.
"Listen to me carefully if you utter a single word or demand of anything at your in-laws I'll simply break your bones.enough of your drama now" her mom left the room leaving her in the worst state.
Flashback ends.

"Y-you wil l-let me to do t-that?" She asked just to confirm
"Of course why should join your college as soon as possible.the functions has already came to an end so why not back to the routine?" He said looking calmly in her eyes
"T-thank-you" she said stuttering.
"Can I say something"she immediately looked into his eyes as soon as those words came out from his mouth.upon receiving no answer he took it as a yes and continued

" you are very different from what I heard from others.I mean most of them said you're very talkative,have an outgoing personality and doesn't hesitate to stand for herself but I didn't saw any of them.listen I know you'll take alot of time to adjust here but just don't change yourself for anyone until it's for your own good.this is now your house as well and there's no need to be dutiful and selfless just because you're not at your own house.I hope you'll have a great time here with my family until I'll be back"
he ended his sayings with the last spray of his perfume.oh how much his words melted her heart and how much she want to cry because of how comforting his words were.

He left for his trip after an hour and thought of texting her that he's ready to take off only when he realized that they never exchanged numbers in the first place.he mentally slapped himself for being so silly and thought of calling his mom.
*in the mansion*
Nishtha stepped out of the house and called the driver to drop her off to college only to got interrupted by her mother-in-law.
"Where are you going?that too without my permission?"she asked with a not so dominant voice
" i-i am g-going to c-c-college"she finally said
"Who the hell told you that you can go to your college?" She shouted grasping her shoulders which made her heart stop for a while.
"You wanna go again so that you can have an another affair?huh?bloody bitch you thought of degrading everyone?" She accused her badly and gently pushed her on the ground which made her nothing but pale and weak.
"Come inside the house without making any nuisance." She half yelled at her.
She quietly went inside and locked the door of her bedroom so that no one could hear her screams except her.she cried as loud as she can letting go all her pain,sorrows and frustration in the form of tears.she wanted to talk with someone but each and every person she knew has betrayed her.her whole family who doesn't care what's happening with her,
they don't know what she is going through.
she then realized nothing will be permanent and everything has to come to an end.she wiped her tears and drifted off to sleep accepting the fact that she's not going to study further.

Your author.
P.s:this work is completely fictional and no where related to anyone's perspective in real.

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