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This chp is dedicated to-

Warning: mature content ahead.read it at your own risk!

Nishtha's pov:

My heartbeat started racing instantly When I heard about the honeymoon
Heat gushed through my cheek and I couldn't stop blushing.

I held my head low throughout the whole dinner

For some reason I couldn't look at him.
I quickly finished my dinner and Went inside our bedroom

I changed myself into a long white silk dress which contains just a thin strap on my shoulder

I came inside the room and saw reyansh, who was lying on the bed,busy in his phone

Reyansh's pov:

I waa busy in my phone,scrolling through my socials When I heard the door of the bathroom opened

There comes the seductress.
She looked at me and then straightaway Went towards the dressing table

She took some cream,a moisturizer I guess? and started applying it on her hand

My eyes were stuck at her movements, she was moving her hand around her shoulder,sensually.which made my breath hitched.

Was she doing this intentionally or I am too deprived of her?

I ignored my thoughts and looked away
I got busy on my phone when I heard her calling my name

"Reyansh" she whispered my name slowly

"Can you help me applying this on my leg?" She asked

I am avoiding going close to her because I know my inner self will latch upon her like a beast and I don't want to scare her

But how am I supposed to hold myself together when She's doing acts like this

I stood up and moved towards her,
I sat on the edge of the which was opposite to her

She placed her legs on my knees and slowly,moved her dress upwards till it reached her thighs.

I took the moisturizer from her and my hand went to apply on her calf,

I closed my eyes just when my hand met her legs
Her bare,smooth,milky legs were tempting me to do sinful things with her.
I imagined How her legs would look When it will be on my shoulder

I cleared my throat and continued focusing on her legs.
When I finished,I closed the lid and took her in my arms

I threw her on My bed,took the blanket and laid on top of her,covering us

She snaked her hands around my broad shoulder,feeling my bare chest and waist
Her hands were all over my body

"Just one more day,my love"
She moaned when she pressed me more to herself.

"Nishtha,we're in a very wrong position"
I groaned When I couldn't hold myself
I shifted a little bit so that there will be some space between us but she she pulled me back instantly making me fall on her hardly

"Nothing's wrong about this position,we will sleep like this" She said in my ears and I gave up

I moved down a little bit and placed my head on her chest making her comfortable
She caressed my head and it felt peaceful
All my hardwork,my efforts,my patience just for this woman,the one I love the most, finally paid off

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