punishing her?

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This chp is dedicated to


Reyansh's pov:

This is going to be the longest night for me.

I went inside the washroom to have long-cold shower so that I won't scare her.I rested my head against the wall as I turned the shower on.

How am I going to survive tonight?

The cold water ran down on my body making my tensed up muscles relax
I took a long breath and tried to steady my racing heart.

She must have slept by now right?

As soon as I finished my shower I dressed myself in a trackpant and a tshirt

The moment I opened the door,
I saw her sitting in bed, fiddling with her fingers

I cleared my throat as it became parched

"Sleep nishi" I said and Went towards my side of the bed and quickly back faced her.

If I dared to talk or even look at her I am not sure if I'm going to be in my senses
So,I did what I can


I want to talk to her.

Alot.I want to tell her that I missed her but I can't.

My sub conscious is not allowing me to do so.

Just when I was lost in the thoughts I felt a hand poking my tshirt and I turned around to see her looking at me with such innocence.

I bent towards her and pulled her to myself in a swift and she gasped at my actions

I put her head on my chest and She placed her feet upon mine
I patted her back and moved her more closer to myself

Her warmth was heavenly peaceful to me.
Just before,I was behaving like a desperate teenager for her
And now, I am at complete solace after wrapping her up in my arms.
I heard her soft snores and I moved her strands of her hairs from her face
I kissed on her cheeks and drifted to sleep as it will be morning in few hours

                  *The next morning*

I groaned when the sun rays fell directly on my face and I raised my hand to defense them.

I heard the door of the room shut close and my eyes opened quickly
I looked beside me and she was not there.
I got up,went inside the washroom and freshened up.
My eyes met hers just when I entered the room.

I ran towards and placed my head in her,  inhaling her scent.

"What happened" she asked

"Nothing" I said and dragged her with me

"Where are you taking me?"

My eyes widened at her bold statement and I narrowed my eyes

"I want to take you right now, but I have to wait till the honeymoon" I smirked

"That's not what I meant" she was in disbelief

Soon,I turned off the lights of the washroom and drew the curtains so that it will be complete dark

I took her hand and went inside the washroom and pinned her towards the wall

"What are you-"
Her sentence were stopped in mid Because of my placement of lips on her.

I turned on the shower which was just above us and within no time she was drenched.
I grabbed the hem of her shirt and tore it apart making her sigh in disbelief

I removed my own shirt and signalled her to remove her pants

She slowly opened the button and held the sides of the cloth

She was enjoying my misery

I held the cloth from her waist and pulled her quickly
And in no time She was completely naked.so was i

Although we couldn't see each other much but the sexual tension was enough to imagine all the sinful things for us

I put her hands on my shoulder and tapped her thigh,indicating her to jump

Her legs were now entagled with my waist and we started assaulting our lips again

She scratched my back and in return I dominated her

Our intensity grew so wide such that she had to come down from my hold and stand back again

My hands slowly went towards her chest when I started biting her neck

She moaned when my hand reached until her thigh and it touched her womanhood

"Is She crying for me?"

I asked as my finger Went inside

She moaned at my words and tighten her hold around me

I kept doing it until she was about to reach her climax

I withdrew my finger from where it was and she gasped loudly

"That was Your punishment" I winked and she was looking at me in disbelief

She was about to go When I pulled her back in the shower and pinched her breast

"I have to go to my company right now. The foreign investors wants to meet me urgently"

I said and her face fell

"I will return till night"
I replied to gain back her mood.She  grabbed the towel and started drying herself

"Let me dress You up" I said and pulled back the towel

She picked the saree from the cupboard and I started helping her in that

It was time to drape up her saree and I went on my knees as it was comfortable and easy that way

I was fully concentrated and I succeeded until my eyes went towards her navel

I fought my urge to kiss her milky waist but it was impossible for me

I held her waist again and started placing slow kisses on the sides of her waist

She held my hair tightly and closed her eyes
I started kissing her harshly and I was fucked up looking at her reaction

Her lips were parted,
Her moans were seductive
Her eyes were closed
She was enjoying this
Rather,she was enjoying this because of me

She looked down at me when my actions stopped.

"Bohot bigad gye ho tum " She accused me.  (You're completely spoiled ")

" tum hi ne bigada hai,ab jhelo"I said back (you spoiled me,now endure it")

We both left for breakfast and then I left for my work

I kept thinking about her all the time
I can't believe we faced so much and surpassed all this
Today,I was finally happy.
She's my wife and everyone knows it
I want to go back and hug her again
I blushed recalling the last night.

It was finally time to go home
And I packed my things quickly

I left my office and reached home
I rang the doorbell and She opened the door
My jaw dropped When I saw her in a chiffon saree, adorning her body
Her tint cheeks and gloss which was highlighting her beauty

Her sindoor and mangasultra,
Indicating that she is mine
Butterflies grew in my stomach and I went inside

She went inside the kitchen as I washed my face and freshened up
She was heating up food for me

That's all I wished for
And I wish Nothing more

As she sat beside me
I whispered in her ears

"We are going on our honeymoon tomorrow "

Marking this as complete because  the mature parts are remaining.

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